METALLICA Merch, Audio, Tools, Movies and more

estate sale2 day sale 3 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Independence, MO 64050 will be available after 6:00am on Friday, March 7th, 2025. The approximate location is: Near 24 hwy and Noland rd
Mar 7
9am to 4pm
Mar 8
9am to 4pm

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 Description & Details

Items of Interest And large Items METALLICA Signed pictures(Not Professionally Authenticated), T-Shirts, Posters, Set lists and band merch Rockwell mod 15 Drill press METALLICA Signed Capns Crunch poster SVS Center speaker U21 Denon X3500H Receiver Steam Deck (Hand Held Game Computer) 256gb METALLICA Barstool Lots of Tools Husky 10 Drawer Tool Chest Samsung 2 Door Fridge Chest Freezer and Chest Freezer (2 Chest Freezers) Coca-Cola Sign King Bed Frame, and King Mattress and Box Spring Chiefs Super Bowl Hats Misc Rock band T-shirts SVS Pb-2000 Subwoofer Rythmik FVX15 Subwoofer Kipsch Tower Speakers Crown XLS 1002 Drivecore 8qt Pressure cooker (New...

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