Boxer Dog Lovers and more

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All items purchased must be picked up by 5:00 pm on March 16th.
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Boxer Dog statues and artwort Antique furniture Fiesta Dishes New Era Check Writer Viking glass Pampered Chef Anchor Hocking kitchenware Milk Glass Cookbooks Dog Books Southwestern Bell Boy Scouts Shriners Vintage Radios Walt Disney Original Art Dining room set Vintage Pyrex Ninja cookware Cooks pans pots and pans Green Life pots and pans Emeril Pots and pans Mid century modern furniture Kansas City Royals Vintage perfume Antique bed, dresser, Vanity Stain Glass Vintage trunks Blanket Stand Rockers Cabbage Patch Dolls Porcelain Dolls TV’s Vintage clothes Office supplies Computer Outdoor Furniture Wicker furniture Sewing machine Vintage Children’s Books Outdoor tools Toro...
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