Don and Sharron Hanebuth Antique Dealers

estate sale3 day sale 7 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Saint Joseph, MO 64507 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025.
Jan 24
9am to 5pm
Jan 25
9am to 4pm
Jan 26
11am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Cash or check only. No pricing or location of items given before sale. No purchase by phone or shipping. Not responsible for accidents. You are responsible for moving your purchases. Bring help to load large items. We have a moving dolly available for use. Items must be removed by end of second day unless other plans have been made and scheduled. You are responsible for wrapping your purchases. Paper will be provided and some boxes may be there.
 Description & Details

Antique collectors dream sale! More pictures will be added over the next few days as we set more out. Once all pictures have been added i will remove this statement. You won't want to miss this sale! So many wonderful and unique items. Enter sale through side gate behind house. Glassware like Jadite, Pyrex, Roseville, Nippon, America, Fenton, Cranberry, cut glass, hand painted and more. High-end antique Victorian and vintage costume jewelry. A few we have come across so far include Hollycraft, Weiss, Eisenberg, Warner, Kramer of New York, vtg Selro, Bakelite, turquoise, variety of hand painted broches of Victorian...

Vintage Daisy Estate Sales

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