Wentzville Estate Winchester Savage John Deere tools Nintendo games ps3 & more
Numbers out no later than 8 a.m. the day of the sale. NO NUMBERS ON SUNDAYS. Please bring help to Load Large items. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED OVER $50 add 3%. SORRY NO PERSONAL CHECKS. AS ALWAYS CASH IS KING, All SALES FINAL NO RETURNS. Blast from The past collectables LLC and/or property owner NOT RESPONSIBLE for ACCIDENTS so please be careful and watch your step. NO PRE-SALE and we do not give out prices pre-sale. Blast from the past reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime. SHOPLIFTERS WILL BE PROSECUTED (read that again) and please be sure to smile for the camera ��!!!! 2 Day Sale Full price Saturday 1/2 Price Sunday. Blast from the past staff is Looking Forward to seeing everyone and very excited to offer this Awesome estate sale to the public. Thank You and Be Safe!!!!

Come have a blast from the past as we are proud to offer for sale to the public the contents of this Wentzville estate. This house has a full basement and garage that we will start to dig through in the next week, so check back often as we update all the gems this estate has to offer. Some of the highlights so far include •winchester 30/30 rifle •savage .22 rifle •Armory Safe co. Gun safe •John Deere riding lawn mower •Tools •christmas blowmolds and so much more. Keep checking back and we hope to see you there. As always be safe.
Blast from the past 🙂

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