Living Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 20 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Batesville, MS 38606 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025.
Apr 3
9am to 3pm
Apr 4
9am to 3pm
Apr 5
9am to 3pm


Cash only!!
Bring help to load anything heavy (eldery family)!!!
Not responsible for accidents!

April 3rd,4th,5th, (6th if necessary)
Times: 9:00-3:00
CASH ONLY!!! Bring help to load anything heavy ( eldery family) She has over 60 years accumulation here. Owners of Top Dollar Auction House, owner of Holiday Lodge ( over 20 years) member and attends Union Baptist and Sardis Lake Church. She is moving to be closer to her daughter, EVERYTHING MUST SELL !!!
Household Items
Antique over 150 year old walnut bed/ matress, matching dresser & mirror, Tiger Wood chest over 150 yr old, vintage nightstands, electric hospital bed( like new), antique library table from the Gariboli family, 2 beautiful antique hutch's, china cabinets, cut glass, Niritaki set, punch bowls, pair if very heavy brass lamps, touch lamp w/ prisms, sheet sets, lace table cloths, cup/ saucer collection, occupied Japan, flat screen TV 30', upright heaters, exercise bike, lots what nots, hand painted saw blades, books, cook books, hideaway sofa, oak table chairs 6/ with leaf, tile table/ chairs, small hutch, microwave, microwave stand, clocks, several room rugs, quilts, comforters, throws, Gone With The Wind Lamps, hat collection, clothes new w/ tags, fish and animal mounts, heavy cast iron cat door stop, recliner, large wash stand w/ bowl& pitcher, Fragata Espanola Ship Ano 1780,
Whirlpool Washer, Roper dryer, chest freezer, microwave, Frigidaire side by side refrigeration ( all less than 2 years old)
1990 Ford Ranger, auto, clean, 2 owners, full seat,
12 ft Trailer w/ lift
Swingset, birdhouses, chimes, yard trailer, wrought iron table 4 chairs, Husqvarna 54 inch cut riding mower, yard tools, lots concrete items, childs wheel barrow, pop up canopies, lots pop up chairs, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving decorations, she has a variety of everything, too much too mention... See yaw there, plan to shop all day !!!!! Follow signs, 5 miles off the interstate, easy to get to.

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