40 plus years of antique collection Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale 5 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Columbia, MS 39429 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 6th, 2025.
Mar 7
7am to 6pm
Mar 8
7am to 4pm

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This is a Cash or Venmo sale only. Please bring help to load large items. Not responsible for accidents.
 Description & Details

This sale includes Antique glassware ( glasses, plates, collectable cups and saucers, desert plates) Pots and Pans ( a complete set of Magna Lite) 3 sewing machines including one Singer pedal machine with original manual and attachments Serval complete sets of China 2 recliners several chairs 2 couches and a complete bedroom suite Doll head vase collection Bell collection Collectable plates Dining set with 6 chairs Several China cabinets Lots of vintage Christmas decorations Linens Pictures and frames Vintage Luggage puzzles and games Glass and Silver Bell collection Cedar trunk Hand made Quilts Vintage Wooden Pipe collection Vintage Console Stereo...

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