Thomas Jolly

estate sale2 day sale 8 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Redwood, MS 39156 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 20th, 2025.
Mar 21
9am to 4pm
Mar 22
9am to 4pm


Cash or check, bring help for large items, not responsible for accidents, no early birds sale opens at 9 am Friday and Saturday

Living estate sale, china furniture, tools, hunting equipment, antiques, craft supplies, tractor, and much more

Pair of chairsChina hutchAntique Cabinet/hutchGun safeAntique bottlesSeamans chestSecretariet PianoKitchen islandWall art and figuresArt and wall hangingSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureDishesSale PictureSale Picture

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