Ellwanger Estate Sale
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Privately Listed Sale
Lot of Hutschenreuther Bavarian Fine China, vintage Fostoria Rose assorted crystal, ladies watches & pins, table linens, ceramic cookware, wall art, picture frames. Pyrex pie plates, casseroles. Crystal punchbowl set. Pots., platters, ceramics, small appliances, antique bottles, baskets, bowls- including hand turned wood, rare cobalt pyrex, Brandt Furniture mahogany drop leaf table with drawers, 4 lyre back chairs, 1 mahogany key lyre back chair, , 3 rare Hitchcock chairs plus 1 that needs repair, 1 mahogany Windsor chair, pair of Early American corner cupboards, assorted small tables & lamps. Pair of upholstered wingback chairs with ottoman. Decorative pillows, throws, southwest pottery, framed Judy Mizell art, tabletop decor, assorted lamps. Bunny collection, angels, books, games, toys.

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