Vintage and more in Mint Hill

estate sale2 day sale 19 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Charlotte, NC 28227 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, April 17th, 2025.
Apr 18
9am to 3pm
Apr 19
9am to 2pm


*Please bring help to load
*Not responsible for accident or injury
*Please don’t block neighbors driveways, park on street and not in the home owners driveway. *Driveway will be for pick ups only.
*please do not walk on or park on grass
*Cash, Venmo and cards accepted
*No refunds : all items sold as is
*No quotes or pre-sales
*All items must be picked up by close of sale on the final day, any items not picked up by this time are forfeited by the buyer.
*Please bring your own, bags, boxes, and/or packing supplies. We will have a limited quantity available.
* sign up sheet will go out one hour prior to sale start time each day.


home decor 




outdoor furniture

and more! Stay tuned for more info coming soon!

Sale Picture

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