Lincolnton Sale with LOTS and LOTS of BOX LOTS
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All purchases must be removed from property unless other arrangements are made day of sale.
No early bird sales.

Privately Listed Sale
Several hundred box lots of merchandise. Please check out the pictures. So much to see, too much to list.
MCM glassware, dishes - Pyrex, Fire King, Libby, Homer Laughlin, Pfaltzgraff, Brown Drip, Lustre ware, Carnival, Depression, EAPG, Currier and Ives, Milk glass
Large lot of NOS Zeb Haynes Plain View Dairy (Maiden) cardboard milk bottle caps
Williamsburg pottery pieces
Camel saddle stool
Vintage women's hats
Vintage costume jewelry - brooches, necklaces, earrings - hundreds of beautiful pieces, bracelets
Vintage linens, doilies, tablecloths
Vintage kitchen items - rolling pins, utensils, strainers, utensils
Vintage sewing machine, sewing notions, material, quilt tops and pieces, NOS boxes of old buttons
Large collection of vintage dolls including Barbies, Madame Alexander, Ideal, Raggedy Ann/Andy, porcelain, Precious Moments, Ashley Belle, Travel doll collection
Large selection of vintage tools - hand saws, levels, wood planes, hammers (claw, ball peen, plumb), hand drills, axes, hatchets, bench grinder, large selection of drill bits, walls of tools available
Vintage Ball and Mason jars (blue and clear) soda bottles, vinegar bottles, old Duke's bottles
Vintage Pleasure Chest Cooler, Croquet set, canister sets, baskets, Cookie jars
Vintage lunch boxes, metal toys such as trucks, cars, tractor
Large selection of graniteware
Pottery planters - Shawnee, McCoy, USA, California
Vintage children's porcelain tea sets

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