Huge Estate Sale Tools, Furniture, Glassware

estate sale2 day sale 2 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Salisbury, NC 28147 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, December 5th, 2024.
Dec 6
8am to 5pm
Dec 7
8am to 2pm

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 Terms & Conditions
No sales before 8:00am on Friday morning, Cash or approved check only... Not Responsible for Accidents....
 Description & Details

2000s Dodge Truck 4wd with 203,000 miles Huge amount of Christmas decorations… Furniture….Bedroom suites… Leather sofa…This end up desk / hutch… Glassware…oak dining table…. Wine cabinet…. Books…. Antique Quilts…. Vintage cloths…. Upright Deep freeze…. Kitchenware/ small appliances…. Costume jewelry…. Tools …. Commercial Tile saw….. like new 6200 watt generator….. large amount screws, bolts, nails….Dewalt miter saw…. Paint Brushes / painters supplies…..Wheel barrows. Flower pots, garden supplies, outdoor furniture,.. Garage shelves… much more

NC Estate Liquidators

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