Estate Auction

auction1 day sale 9 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Wilmington, NC 28409 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, March 21st, 2025.
Mar 22
Riding mower

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 Description & Details

On-Site Estate Auction Saturday March 22 2025 Woodbury Forest area in Wilmington NC address to be posted day before sale Auction begins at 10:00 am ( Preview 9:00 am ) Back/yard cookout dogs will be serving (Janice) Quality sale, nonsmoking, and pet free home. MORE PHOTOS COMING SOON!!! Gold and silver jewelry, sterling silver, coins costume jewelry, Fenton, glassware, milk, glass, artwork, glassware, decoys, silk prints, Asian items, sectional sofa, end, tables, dining room, table and chairs, China cabinet, bedroom sets, purses and handbags, sunroom, furniture, patio table and chairs, grill, riding mower, toolbox, tools, yard, tools, birdbath, and other...

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