Eccentric Sale in Winston-Salem

estate sale2 day sale 28 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Winston Salem, NC 27103 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, February 14th, 2025.
Feb 15
10am to 4pm
Feb 16
10am to 2pm

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1. Sign in sheet will be out BY 9am the morning of the sale.
2. Please Bring Movers To Load Your He...
 Description & Details

This is such an amazing sale that we're just getting started with setting up for! The man who lived here was a French professor and has art and Furniture from when he lived in France. Some of these pieces date back to the 18th century! There's lots of China, antique books, original art, beautiful hardwood Furniture, mirrors, and so much more! Much more! As we set up. We will be adding photos so please keep checking back over the next few weeks while we unwrap and uncover new items.

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