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Swift Family of Eastern Point Gloucester Estate Sale

online only auction6 day sale sale is over
  • Location Hampton Falls, NH 03844

Sale Starts

Nov 28

Sale Ends

Dec 3

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 Terms & Conditions
Pick up: By Appointment Only:
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Sunday Dec. 8
Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930
Or by appointment in Hampton Fall, NH
(Winning Bidders Will Be Given Full Address VIA EMAIL)
Pick up: By Appointment
Watch for our upcoming ephemera sale including 100 + 1970s movie lobby posters
 Description & Details

A fine small estate auction from the Swift Family of Chicago and Eastern Point Gloucester. The Swift family were major owners of the Chicago Stockyards in the 19th Century. This sale will include interesting artwork including signed Landscape by Alson Skinner Clark, vintage Christmas items, many smalls, and bronze plaque from sculptor Carlo Romanelli that was done for the offices at the Stockyard.

Edward B Beattie Auctioneers

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