Contents In Home By Estate Sales Service

estate sale3 day sale last day of sale
Mar 27
10am to 3pm
Mar 28
10am to 3pm
Mar 29
10am to 3pm
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Cash Only!
Items are sold in "as is" condition. No Returns, No Exchanges, No Refunds.
Prices will not be given out prior to the sale.
Buyer is responsible for moving all items purchased. Shipping is unavailable.
Please bring your own bags and packing materials.
No Restrooms available.
Numbers will be put out on Thursday morning.

Contents In Overflowing Home: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 27th, 28th and 29th, 10am to 3pm

No Purses, Backpacks or Fanny Packs Permitted. Please, do not ask to be the exception. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

Lots of Antiques and Vintage Wares: Tiffany Studios Grapevine Desk Lamp, Limbert Arts & Crafts Drop Front Desk, Antique Dry Sink, Sofas, Chairs, Marble Top Side Table, Coffee Tables, Curio Cabinet, Satsuma Lamp, Drum Table, Dining Table w/ 6 Chairs, Breakfront, Server, Tall Case / Grandfather Clock, Chelsea Ships Clock, Carriage Clock, Shelf Clock, Sterling Silver, Waterford, Steuben, lladro, Lalique, Cranberry Cut to Clear Lamp, Needlepoint Stools, Beds, Dressers, Desks, Book Shelves, Books, Records, Vintage Toys & Games, Atari, Nintendo, Star Wars, Peanuts, Superman, Felix Tissot Dishes, Limoges China, Spode China, Pair of Vintage Mirrored Wall Double Candle Sconces, Silver Plate, Paintings, Water Colors, Pictures, Linens, Silk Scarves, Lots of Purses-Coach, Dooney & Bourke, Tory Burch, Vintage Beaded Bags, Clothes, Shoes, Kitchenwares, Pots, Pans,Garden Benches, Patio Set and So Much More!!!

Cash Only! No restrooms available.

Empty Shopping Bags Allowed - We will NOT be providing bags or packing materials.


Painting, Tiffany Studios #552 Bronze "Grapevine" Desk Lamp, Royal Daulton Figurine, Small Glass Christmas TreesTiffany Studios #552 Bronze "Grapevine" Desk LampLimbert One-Drawer Drop Front Desk c1910 - Arts & CraftsLimbert One-Drawer Drop Front Desk c1910 - Arts & CraftsAntique Needlepoint Chair and Foot Stools, Antique Drop Front Secretary, Painting, AngelsAntique Drop Front SecretaryG. Ugolini - Small Framed Mosaic Natural Stone ArtAntique Needlepoint ChairAntique Needlepoint Foot StoolsSterling SilverAntique Carved SofaAntique Carved SofaVintage 4 Point Wool Blanket (2 of 2), Scarves, Pashmina'sHermes ScarfLeather Top Drum Table, Satsuma Lamp w/ Moriage Decoration, Eggs, Thorens Music BoxSatsuma Lamp w/ Moriage DecorationLeather Top Drum Table, Satsuma Lamp w/ Moriage Decoration, Eggs, Thorens Music Box (Hummels NFS)Thorens Music BoxLots of Steuben Glass, Marble Top Side TableChelsea Ships ClockSohmer Baby Grand PianoSohmer Baby Grand PianoPaintingCranberry Glass Biscuit Jar, Lladro, Inkwell, Enamel DishesLladro, Lalique Ring Dish, Enamel Dishes, Waterford Champagne Flutes, Brandy Snifters, Wine CoasterWaterford Sugar & Creamer,  Belleek Teapot, Sugar & CreamerPicture Frames, Wooden Box (Empty), Vintage Chinese Brass BowlWatercolorCut Glass, Vintage DishesCurio Cabinet, Cut Glass, Vintage DishesAntique Tall Case Clock / Grandfather Clock, Mahogany Queen Anne Side Table, Cranberry Cut to Clear LampAntique Tall Case Clock / Grandfather ClockMahogany Queen Anne Side Table, Cranberry Cut to Clear Lamp, Ladies RockerAntique QuiltsSofa, Vintage Wool  4 Point Stripe Blanket (1 of 2), Purses - Coach, Dooney & Bourke, Tory Burch, Leather Top Coffee Table, Wedgwood, Val St. Lambert, Murano Glass, Street SignVintage & Antique Beaded PursesOriental Carpet, 2 Panels Antique CurtainsSide Table. Vase, Candle HoldersDrop Leaf Table, Mirror, Candelabra Lamp, Barometer, UmbrellasPicturesDining Table w/ 6 Chairs, BreakfrontServer, Ornate Gilt Mirror, Green Depression Glass Stemware, Pair of Vintage Mirrored Wall  Double Candle SconcesBraekfrontPair of Wing Chairs, Copper MoldsPair of Vintage Mirrored Wall  Double Candle SconcesDrop Leaf Side Tables, Green Etched Stemware, Copeland Spode Tower China, Silver PlateCh Field Haviland Limoges ChinaLots of Silver PlateLots of Silver PlateWatercolorSt. Francis Antique Shelf ClockTable w/ 4 ChairsFelix Tissot ChinaDishes, Plates, Wood Cutting Boards & Platters, Pyrex, CorningAntique Folding TableDesk, Monitors, Barware, Oval MirrorSale PicturePyrex Gooseberry Bowls, Corning Cornflower, BakewarePyrex Gooseberry Bowls, Corning CornflowerStemwareKitchenwaresKitchenwaresKitchenwaresToaster Oven, Pots & PansSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureKing Bed, Lots of Sweaters - 1980's, Lots of PursesKing HeadboardClothes & ShoesClothesSale PictureClothes, Bathing SuitsSale PictureSweaters / CashmereCapsPursesPursesChest of Drawers, Luggage, Sewing MachineCabinet, Jewelry BoxesClothes,, TiesBeltsPictureTwin BedsAntique Dresser, Mirror, LampAntique Chest of Drawers, Mirror, ShoesMaps, Gloves, GlassesVintage Games & Toys - Superman, King Kong, Dungeons & DragonsClothes, SheetsVintage Superman Sleeping Bag, Vintage Peanuts & Mickey Mouse  SheetsAtari & Nintendo Game SystemsVintage Toys - Snoopy w/ Clothes, Bank, Robot, Vintage Gloves, Belts, Travel ClocksCollection of Photographs By Manuel Alvarez Bravo - Pencil Signed and NumberedEthan Allen Book Shelf, BooksBook Shelf, books, Mirror, Shaving MirrorSale PictureCedar Chest, Books, ClothesBook Self, BooksVintage Toys, Models, Puzzles, BooksClothesLingeriePicture FramesTwin bed, Book Shelves, Desk w/ ChairBooks, MicroscopeBooks, Book ShelvesDresser w/ Mirror, CD's, RecordsVintage Toys - Blip, Merlin, Wildfire Hand Held PinballDesk w/Chair, Books LampsLinensMicroscopeVintage Toys - Star Wars, LegoSale PictureTypewriterAntique Cast Iron Parrot LampTwin Beds, Clothes, Back Packs, GuitarDresser w/Mirror, Lamps, Vintage BanksChest of Drawers, Pillows, Luggage RackWrapping Paper, Ribbon, Bags, BedDesk, Books, Candles, Hats, Small TablesLots of Vintage SweatersBooks, Clothes, ShoesClothesLinens, Sheets,, Towels, SignPicturesSale PicturePicturePictureDemitasse Cups & Saucers, Vintage eye Glasses, Silver PlateAntique Dry Sink, Grapes, Silver PlateFramed PicturesFramed PicturesPictureVintage GamesVintage BooksOld LinensMore LinensVera Linens Vintage LinensVacuumCoffee Table, BooksCandle Holders, Steins, PictureBook Ends, Angels, Fireplace ToolsLots of Books, ElectronicsLuxman ElectronincsBook Press Lamp, Small RefrigeratorRecords, Vintage GamesCoats & JacketsBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayBasement will be open on Friday & SaturdayMilk CanGarden BenchesPatio Table w/ 4 Chairs

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