GORGEOUS CHESTERFIELD ESTATE - Jewelry, Art, Bronze Sculptures, Kinkade Paintings, Antiques, MORE
Cash / Venmo / Zelle only.
All purchases are final and sold AS IS.
Bring help to load large items.
Please be respectful to the property, the merchandise, and the staff.
We are not responsible for accidents or merchandise damaged after purchase.
We are not responsible for any lists started / managed by third parties.
Items advertised in sale may be removed at anytime by the Owner.
We will start our own list 30 min - 1 hour before the start of the sale.
We will typically let 10 people in first and then 5 people every 10 min after. This is subject to change depending on the size of the property.
Thank you!

This house is filled with high end art and furniture. Most items you see in pictures are available for pre-sale. Please reach out through text or email if you have a question on pricing.
All Thomas Kinkades have receipts and COAs. Most are gallery proofs but there are a few different types.

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