Willow Tree Estate Sales in Fabulous Four Seasons Smithville
Cash only
Bring help to carry items, we do not have help available.
Masks are optional...Please bring your own. Social distancing enforced and sanitizer at doorway.
Liability waiver required for demo item/appliance removal. Must provide your own tools and labor. Removal schedule at the decision of liquidator.
No tickets, form a line please.
Not responsible for accidents or injury.
Cash Only
No public restrooms, no exceptions.
Bring bags and wrap , always appreciate recycling!
Bring help and tools to load large items
All items sold as is, no refunds
Please be courteous of neighbors
Children must be with adult at all times/ no strollers
No pets please

Another Four Season's pleaser!
Electric Reclining dual sofa
Contemporary Sectional
Sleeper sofa
Small Cuisinart appliances
Limoges, Mikasa and Spode china
Clothing, coats, shoes and handbags
Vintage cameras
Bose am/fm cd radio alarm
A book lovers dream sale
Tons of cds and dvds
Sony linear arm turntable
Teac receiver
multiple tvs
Lots more...Set up starts 3/18

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