Absolute Estate Sales- Very High End Once in a lifetime Items. Amazing Pieces. Outdoor sales

estate sale1 day sale 5 days away
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    Summerhill or Main St to the building. Big parking lot 
Mar 8
9am to 3pm
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Text only: Cash Only. Be prepared to carry stuff out
Great prices. Great stuff.
732-844-3389 for info
 Description & Details

This is one of those homes that just keeps on giving. It’s truly the sell of the decade. Extremely high-end clothing from movie stars at this property. Hans Wegner 1957 credenza and sideboard. Danish dropleaf dining room table. Fur coats from Bloomingdale’s other leopard skin and fur coat minx. Beautiful bags and belts. Sculptures and fancy vintage sunglasses. Shoes to wear for all occasions. Let’s get back to the clothes. Hats dresses denim jeans a little bit of everything to blow your mind away. Vintage clocks, quality quality dishware tea pots. The furniture is out of this world. Ratan sat...

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