Pahrump Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale 2 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Pahrump, NV 89048 will be available after 5:00am on Saturday, December 14th, 2024. The approximate location is: Casey Rd & Pahrump Valley Blvd.
Dec 14
8am to 4pm
Dec 15
8am to 4pm

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 Description & Details

We’ve got a quaint and cute sale in Pahrump! Owner has a fun variety of home items, collector items and great quality furniture. Perfect sale to visit just in time for Christmas! 🌲 King sized bedroom set Beautiful gun case dressers double sided jewelry armoire vintage items art garage items kitchen decor silverware sets/flatware kitchen items and appliances pyrex, vintage pottery Farmhouse kitchen Household cleaning items, lots of cleaning supplies! Yard art patio swing Patio furniture Refrigerator washer & dryer Mirrors Fun Giraffe & Rooster decor vintage locker Books (cooking, novels, history, etc) TV’s vintage advertising much more to come...

Mk’s Trinkets And Treasures

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