Ballston Spa Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale 12 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Ballston Spa, NY 12020 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, April 4th, 2025.
Apr 5
9am to 4pm
Apr 6
9am to 4pm


Payment options include cash, debit card, credit card, PayPal and Venmo. Please bring help to load large items. No presales or items to be held.
No early birds. All items sold as is. All sales final. Local delivery available for a fee.

Enjoy a tour through this 1800s, three-story home while shopping for quality antique furnishings, artwork, books, collectibles, tools, sporting goods and much more.

Contents include: A Dazey butter churn dated 1917, a mid-century GE Stereo cabinet, a Cottage Clock
by E.N. Welch dated 1885, History of Saratoga County book 1609-1878, Airens Snow Blower, 3 air conditioners, huge collection of Beanie Babies, quality wicker outdoor furniture, Hummel figurine collection, antique stovepipe beaver fur top hat, paintings and other artwork.

Additional photos and descriptions will be included as we get closer to the sale.

3D Violin ArtSale PictureSale PictureAntique Standbasement roombasement shelfBikeSale PictureSale PictureAir conditioners Box seatSale PictureButler tableButter churnCamcorderChair table lampCocoa TinCodfish boxCoffee TableColgate bottleSale PictureCopper Pot with stand Cottage ClockDrawingdresserGarage atticgarage cabinetGaragegolf clubsGreen chairgreen loveseatHassockHelping Hand PaintingHouseHumidifierHutchKitchen shelfkitchen tableLamp Tablelawn chairsleaf blowersSale PictureMantelMCM StereoSale PictureMilk BottleMOM bottlemonitorMowerold lockSale PicturePewter figurePewter figure basePianoRecipe boxSale PictureRugsShop vacsnow blowerSpoon RackStga History BookStoolTable and lampTable and TVtable enamel topTop HatTop Hat insideVelvet CouchVelvet LoveseatviceWicker loungeWicker planterwork bench

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