CROSS RIVER NY LAMBERT RIDGE ROAD Online Auction By Modern Day Auctions

online only auction10 day sale 2 days remaining
  • Location Cross River, NY 10518

Sale Starts

Dec 10

Sale Ends

Dec 19
Cross river lambert ridge

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 Description & Details

CROSS RIVER NY LAMBERT RIDGE ROAD Online Auction By Modern Day Auctions Auction starts to close on Thursday, December 19 at 8PM EST Over 170 Lots to Bid on! Bid Now at Lovely Cross River home with a special collection of African and North American taxidermy including incredible shoulder mounted African Greater Kudu, Hartebeest and White-tailed deer. Case-goods and home decor by Stickley, Ethan Allen, Henry Link and Henkel-Harris. Also featuring, an L.L. Bean toboggan, copper sailboat weathervane, Italian wheat sheaf table and vintage Tole chandelier. Auction pick-up in Cross River, NY on Saturday, December 21 from 9am-1pm only...

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