online only auction1 day sale 7 days away
  • Location East Moriches, NY 11940

Sale Starts

Mar 19

Sale Ends

Mar 19



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Effective 10/1/2024

Featuring over 150 lots of Garden Furniture and Decorations, from estates and private collections, to include: Paintings; Prints; Sculpture; Antique American, English and Continental Furniture & Decorations; Modern Design; Accessories; Silver; Estate Jewelry; Collectibles; Field and Stream Sporting; Firearms; etc...
Rare Long Billed Curlew Two-Piece Model by Mason Decoy FactoryA. Elmer Crowell (American 1852-1951), Drake Broadbill on glass paperweight base. With Pintail DrakeDecorative Cinnamon Teal by Tom Buttonow, Sag Harbor, NYPair of Yellowlegs by James W. Buttonow, Sag Harbor, NYCarolina Wren by Award Winning Carver Bob Hand, Sag Harbor, NY, 2010Group of (6) Contemporary Decorative Shorebird FlattiesMilton C. Weiler (American 1910-1974), Group of (2) Portfolios on DecoysRare Early Leonard Baby Catskill 6' Two-Piece with Two TipsCharles Neuner 6' 6" Two-Piece Fly Rod with Two TipsCharles Neuner 8' Two-Piece with Two TipsPhillipson Premium 7' Two-Piece Lightweight Fly Rod with Two TipsCortland 444 Ltd. Impregnated 7? Two-Piece with Two TipsCortland 444 Ltd. Impregnated 8' Two-Piece with Two TipsWright & McGill "Granger Aristocrat" 8-1/2' Three-Piece Fly Rod with Two TipsClassicane 6-1/2' Two-Piece "Magnum Midge" with Two TipsHeddon No. 17 8-1/2' Three-Piece Fly Rod with Two Tips, in Pristine ConditionRare Ed M. Hunter "Autograph" 8? Three-Piece Fly Rod with Two TipsOrvis Battenkill 8' Two-Piece with One TipCustom 6' Two-Piece Fly Rod with Two Tips, Marked "St. Leonard"Lot of Two English ReelsPflueger Golden West 80 Yard Fly ReelGroup of (2) Fly ReelsGroup of (2) Fly ReelsGroup of (2) Julius Vom Hofe Fly ReelsGroup of (2) Fly ReelsGroup of (2) Julius Vom Hofe Fly ReelsFishing Creel with "Quinn and Co. Milwaukee, WI." Aluminum TopGroup of (2) French Weave Leather-Trimmed CreelsGroup of (5) Fly Fishing AccessoriesGroup of (8) Fly Fishing Decorative ItemsGroup of (6) New York State Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission BooksGroup of (11) Denton Trout and Salmon Plates from ?Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission?, State ofZoli & Rizzini Scalloped Receiver Extra Lusso Boxlock Ejector 12 Gauge "I"Zoli & Rizzini Scalloped Receiver Extra Lusso Boxlock Ejector 12 Gauge "II"Early Rare Ejector Winchester Model 21 in 20 Gauge 2-3/4"As New Beretta M409 Silver Hawk Side-by-Side in 16 GaugeIthaca Model 300 Inertia Action Auto-Loading Shotgun in 12 GaugeGerman Weatherby Mark V Bolt Action Rifle with a Burris 6x Scope in 270 MagnumMarlin Model 336 Lever Action Carbine in 35 RemingtonRemington Model 760 Pump Action Rifle in 30-06As New Savage Model 99 Series A-Lever Action Rifle in 250 SavageReplica Bronze Line Throwing CannonTom Freeman (American 1952-2015), "Pacific Nights", 1998, watercolor and gouache on paperWilliam Stubbs (American 1842-1909), Clipper Ship "Landseer", oil on canvasLouis Etienne Timmermans (Belgian/French 1846-1910), Ships Coming into Harbor at Sunset, 1908, oilMarcel Feguide, (French 1888-1974), "Les Meules", oil on panelJulia M. Wickham (American, Long Island, 1866-1952), Landscape with Verdant Hills, oil on AcademyJulia M. Wickham (American, Long Island, 1866-1952), Landscape with Tree and Buildings, oil onR. Burton Keeler (American 1886-1978), Briarcliff, New York, oil on canvasboardJulia M. Wickham (American, Long Island, 1866-1952), Group of (2) Still Life PaintingsWhitney Myron Hubbard (American, Long Island, 1875-1965), Circus Tents, oil on Academy board;Whitney Myron Hubbard (American, Long Island, 1875-1965), Portrait of a Woman, oil on canvasDominy Maple Side Chair 18th Century, East Hampton, NYSet of (3) 18th Century American Maple Ladderback Side ChairsStickley Brothers No. 527 Oak RockerAmerican Empire Mahogany Dropleaf TableLarge Carved Wood Trencher BowlGroup of (4) Native American and Taghkanic BasketsGroup of (4) Splint BasketsSet of (3) TrugsSmall Spanish Style CupboardScottish Orkney Islands Child's ArmchairEnglish Oak SideboardCharles II Stumpwork Panel MirrorBritish School (18th Century), Portrait of a Gentleman, oil on canvasRobert Mann (British 1869-1892), Landscape with Cottage, oil on canvasAmerican School (19th Century), Portrait of a Gentleman, oil on boardCharles Jagger (British 1770-1827), Portrait Miniature of a Gentleman. Together with (2) BritishAfter Francois Boucher (French 1703-1770), Amorous Couple after "La Cage", 18thC, oil on oval canvasManner or Follower of Hendrik Mommers (Dutch 1623-1693), Figures Resting in Roman Forum Ruins, oilAfter Jean Batiste Pater (French 1695-1735), "La Bonne Aventure" (The Fortune Teller), oil on canvasGerrit Pietersz Sweelinck (Dutch 1566 - c.1612), "The Rest on the Flight into Egypt", 1593, etching''An Historical Account ... for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ...'', Humphreys,Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze Mounted Fruitwood Bonheur Du JourPair of Louis XIV Style Gilt Bronze Covered Urns"Venus Callipyge", 19th Century Continental Bronze, After the AntiqueLouis XVI Style Boulle Work and Fruitwood Dressing TableGroup of (2) Empire Style Brass Mounted Mahogany ChairsPair of Regency Mahogany Torcheres/Plant StandsLouis XVI Style Hall TreeEgyptian Revival Cast Iron Fireplace Surround and InsertPair of Italian Carved Giltwood UrnsPair of Carved and Painted Venetian Style Blackamoor StandsBronze Hound-Form StandPair of Art Nouveau Style Cat LampsAfter Raffaelle Monti (Italian 1818-1881), "The Bride", parian porcelain bustAfter A. Ernest Carrier Belleuse (French 1824-1887), Bust of a Young Lady, parian bisque porcelainWilliam F. Boogar (American 1893-1958), Seagull, bronze with green patinaGroup of (3) Ashtrays with Bronze FiguresMartin Brothers Pewter-Mounted Stoneware Footed InkwellBlack Forest Carved Humidor"Ward's Home Deposit Vault" Painted Iron SafeU.S. Head-Light Co. for The Adams & Westlake Co. (Adlake) Railroad Locomotive HeadlightVictorian Carved Wood and Brass Maritime Stick Barometer Henry Frodsham, Liverpool, c. mid-19thEnglish Welsh Style Cupboard with ClockRenaissance Revival Four-Piece Rosewood Parlor SuiteAmerican Rococo Revival Mahogany Marble-Top Dressing TableVictorian Fishbowl on Iron StandGroup of (2) Heintz Art Metal Shop Bronze Items with Sterling Silver OverlayLarge American Sterling Silver Eleven-Piece Tea SetAmerican Three-Piece Sterling Silver Tea SetSet of (12) American Sterling Silver Bread PlatesGorham Sterling Silver Flatware Service for TwelveGroup of (2) Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver DishesGroup of (4) Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver JewelryJaeger-LeCoultre Chrome Atmos ClockTheodore A. Kohn & Son 18k Gold Hunt-Case Pocket WatchGroup of (4) Gold CoinsAustrian Gold Ducat Pendant NecklaceGroup of (2) 14k Gold Employee Anniversary Jewelry3.86 Carat Diamond Platinum RingBuccellati 18k Ruby RingGroup of (3) 18k Gold Wedding BandsGroup of (6) Gold RingsGroup of (3) Ruby and Gold RingsGroup of (2) Amethyst 14k Gold JewelryGroup of (3) 14k Gold JewelryGroup of (3) 14k Gold JewelryGroup of (4) 14k Gold Heart JewelryGroup of (3) 14k Gold JewelryGroup of (3) 14k Gold JewelryGroup of (4) Gold JewelryOrmond Gigli (American 1925-2019), "Girls in the Windows, NYC", 1960, printed later, chromogenicCecil Beaton (English 1904-1980), "Charles James Dresses", 1948, printed in 2000, cibachrome printBen Schonzeit (American, b. 1942), "Starry Tulips", cibachrome printGeorge Hoyningen-Huene (Russian/American 1900-1968), "Divers", Paris, 1930, printed later, gelatinHerbert Matter (Swiss/American 1907-1984), "She and Her Shadow (Jones Beach)", 1939, vintage gelatinJacques-Henri Lartigue (French 1894-1986), "Gerard Willemetz", 1926, printed 1992, gelatin silverJacques-Henri Lartigue (French 1894-1986), "Oleo Van Weers, Champion de Chaises, Rouzat", 1908,Jacques-Henri Lartigue (French 1894-1986), "Dani, Renee, and Jacques, Aix-les-Bains", 1930, printedJacques-Henri Lartigue (French 1894-1986), "Maud Lallemand, Bandol", June 1933, printed 1998,Jacques-Henri Lartigue (French 1894-1986), "Bibi at Eden Roc, Cap d'Antibes", 1920, printed 2000,Jacques-Henri Lartigue (French 1894-1986), "Zissou, La Baule", August 1929, printed 1998, gelatinCharles Schreyvogel (American 1861-1912), Group of (5), platinum and photogravure prints afterMatthew Hilton (British, b. 1957) for Case "Cross" Extension Dining TableSet of (6) Doehler Art Nouveau Style Metal ArmchairsWilhelm Wagenfeld for Tecnolumen "Bauhaus" Table LampHARVEY PROBBER (American, 1922-2003) Dining TableMarge Carson Elephant Bar CartAttributed to Carlo Moretti, Collection of (40) "Satinato" GlasswareAttributed to Claudio Trevi (Italian 1928-1987), Biomorphic Coffee Table, molded concrete with glassCharles and Ray Eames (American 1907-1978), Lounge Chair and Ottoman for Herman Miller, 1975Charles and Ray Eames (American 1907-1978), LCW Chair, bent plywoodThonet Bentwood ArmchairSculpted Walnut DeskStanley William Hayter (British 1901-1988), ''Mere'', 1970, etching and aquatint on BFK Rives paperVictor Vasarely, (Hungarian/French 1906-1997), "Vega MC Positive", 1969, Op Art silk scarfMary Corita Kent (American/Canadian 1918-1986), "I Love You Very", 1971, screenprint in colorsAlfred McNamara (American 1911-1994), ''The Work Table'', 1984, oil on masonitePaul Frans (French b. 1958), "Le Promenade", oil on canvasJean Pierre Dubord (French b. 1949), "La Cote Normande", oil on canvasJean Pierre Dubord (French b. 1949), "Les Escaliers a Montmartre", oil on canvasAndre Gisson (French/American 1921-2003), Figures in a Landscape, oil on canvasPeter Quidley (American 1945-2023), "Nature's Palette", oil on panelHeinrich Lefler and Joseph Urban, "Schwan Kleb' An", Illustration for Jugendstil book of Grimm'sGahan Wilson (American 1930-2019), "I See You've Noticed My Trophy Collection!", pen, ink andGahan Wilson (American 1930-2019), New Yorker Cartoon: "Do You Ever Catch Yourself Wondering ... ",Gahan Wilson (American 1930-2019), "I'll Certainly Be Glad When You've Finished Moulting!", pen, inkSet of (4) Stained Glass Window PanelsCased Stained Glass Panel WindowPair of Poterie de la Madeleine Tree PlantersSpanish Style Trestle Table with Tile TopFrench Iron Plant Stand with Tole Tray TopPair of Wrought Iron Wine RacksPair of Iron "Rose Trellis" Plant StandsPair of Iron "Rose Trellis" Plant StandsFaux Bamboo Cast Iron Plant StandTerrariumCattail Wrought Iron Garden TableRunning Horses Wrought Iron SetteeFolk Art Swan WeathervaneWrought Iron Gates with Flowers and UrnsWrought Iron GateWrought Iron Outdoor Sign BracketArchitectural Cast Iron Urn OrnamentLarge 18th/19th Century Carved Limestone UrnCarved Limestone Bust of MinervaCarved Marble PedestalCarved Marble Dolphin FountainPair of Carved Marble BenchesCarved Marble Bird BathGroup of (2) Carved Limestone FountainheadsCarved Limestone PedestalDiana the Huntress Five-Piece Cast Iron Patio SetCoalbrookdale Style Cast Iron Bench in "Fern & Blackberry" PatternPair of Large Cast Iron Planters19th Century Cast Iron J. W. Fiske UrnCast Iron Faux Bois Fountain Base, possibly FiskePair of 19th Century Cast Iron Footed UrnsGroup of (2) Cast Iron Campagna-Form UrnsCast Iron Campagna-Form Urn with Lion MasksPair of Cast Iron Footed UrnsSet of (4) Cast Iron UrnsPair of Small Cast Iron Footed UrnsCoalbrookdale "Serpent and Grape" Cast Iron Bench and Armchair19th Century Cast Iron Gothic Style ArmchairVictorian Cast Iron Cemetery ArmchairVictorian Cast Iron Side TablePair of Victorian Cast Iron Plant StandsSet of (2) Victorian Cast Iron Garden FurnitureCast Zinc Patio Table with Circular Stone TopPair of Cast Iron Garden ChairsBowfront Wrought Iron Scrollwork Console TableWirework Plant StandWirework Two-Level Plant StandSalterini Style "Peacock" Three-Piece Wirework Patio SetThree-Tier Wrought Iron Plant StandIron Plant Stand with Oval Wirework BasketTile-Top Garden TablePair of Strapwork Iron Park ArmchairsPair of Curved Cast Stone Benches with Dolphin-Form SupportsCast Stone Bench with Seated Lion SupportsCast Stone BenchPair of Cast Stone Dolphin and Putti Wall Fountain HeadsArmillary SpherePair of Large Cast Stone UrnsSet of (6) Large Cast Stone PlantersPair of Large Cast Stone Planters with Relief DecorationPair of Cast Stone Latticework PlantersPair of Cast Stone Planters with Classical Figures in ReliefCast Stone Bird BathPair of Small Cast Stone ObelisksCast Stone Bust of a Roman ManCast Stone "Manneken Pis" FountainCast Stone "Birth of Venus" Garden StatueCast Stone Figure of HebeLarge Cast Stone Classical Woman with Fruit CornucopiaLarge Cast Stone Figure of Venus at Her BathCast Stone Figural Fountain Head of Boy and GirlSet of (3) Cast Stone Footed UrnsPair of Cast Stone Recumbent LionsGroup of (4) Cast Stone PlantersFaux Bois Cast Stone PlanterPair of Faux Bois Cast Stone ArmchairsSmall Cast Stone Pond FountainGroup of (2) Small Cast Stone Garden StatuesPair of Polychrome-Painted Cast Stone TurkeysPair of FlamingosPair of Henri Studio Cast Stone Swan PlantersPair of Cast Stone Seated DogsGroup of (3) Asian-Style Cast Stone Garden OrnamentsCast Stone Seated BuddhaPair of Cast Stone Planters with Oak Leaf ReliefGroup of (3) Chinese Egg Pot PlantersLarge Chinese Blue and White Porcelain PlanterSet of (2) Life-Size Bronze Samurai FiguresLarge Bronze PlanterPair of Small Zinc GeesePair of Cast Stone Foo DogsCast Stone PagodaCast Stone PagodaGiant Clam ShellGiant Clam ShellTen Foot Bronze Swordfish Wall Sculpture/Trade SignPair of White-Painted Wood Curule ChairsCircular Limestone Top Pedestal TablePair of Terracotta PlantersPair of Bamboo TopiariesPair of Large Cast Iron Footed UrnsPair of Cast Iron Footed UrnsLead Seated DogPair of Bronze LionsArt Deco Bronze Statue of a WomanSet of (6) Midcentury Modern Homecrest Garden FurnitureThree-Piece Woodard "Sculptura" Patio SetSalterini Eight-Piece Wrought Iron Dining SetSalterini Attributed 11-Piece Wrought Iron Patio SetSet of (4) Salterini-Style Iron Patio FurniturePair of Salterini Lily Pad Nesting Side TablesSet of (4) Barrel-Back Iron Garden ChairsFrench Iron Side TableFive-Piece Woodard-Style Patio Dining SetHanging PlanterPair of Cast Iron Pineapple FinialsPair of Large Cast Stone PineapplesPair of Small Cast Stone PineapplesPair of Cast Iron Spire FinialsPair of Verdigris Bronze UrnsPair of Patinated Bronze Figural Garden UrnsLarge Patinated Bronze Lion Head FountainPair of Small Polished Bronze Footed UrnsPair of Faux Cast Stone Putti with Flower BasketsSet of (4) Aluminum PlantersSet of (3) Small Painted Cast Iron UrnsBrass Sundial with Terracotta BaseSet of (4) Cast Aluminum Art Nouveau Style ArmchairsPair of Grapevine Twist Pedestal Side TablesSet of (8) Wrought Iron ArmchairsSet of (4) Cast Stone Planters with Leaf MotifPair of Large Cast Stone Footed UrnsGroup of (3) Small Cast Stone Footed UrnsSet of (4) Small Cast Stone Planters with Grape Vine ReliefPair of Cast Stone Footed UrnsPair of Small Granite Footed UrnsPair of Granite Ball FinialsLarge Granite Garden BallPair of Cast Stone Ball FinialsPair of 19th Century New York City Architectural Ball FinialsPair of 19th Century New York City Cast Stone CorbelsPair of 19th Century New York City Cast Stone CorbelsCast Stone EagleCast Stone RoosterGroup of (2) Figural Cast Stone Garden DecorationsGroup of (2) Cast Stone RabbitsPair of Polychrome-Painted Cast Stone DeerSquirrel Cast Aluminum Light PostCast Iron Bell with Mounting Bracket Rumsey & Co., Seneca Falls, N.Y., 19th/20th century.Bronze Garden Sculpture of Seated Boy Reading NewspaperBronze Garden Sculpture of Three Children at PlayBill Heise, (American 1942-2011), Folk Art Bull Sculpture, assembled welded ironFire-Breathing Dragon Garden Sculpture

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