Newburgh, Massive Collectors, Disney, Spode, Lenox, Art, Pewter

online estate sale10 day sale 6 days remaining
  • Location Newburgh, NY 12550

Sale Starts

Jan 14

Sale Ends

Jan 23

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 Description & Details

LOADED Spode, Pfaltzgraff, Lenox, Chilmark pewter, Chilmark pottery, Irish collectables,  Norman Rockwell, silverware, glasses, bennington pottery, watches, diecast trucks and cars, crafting tables, supplies and paper,  Crate and Barrel table, lamps, Mickey Mouse pewters, Disney pewters, plates, Lenox and glass. Chairs, Beer steins, Anheiser, Budd, Hamms,  Russian lacquer boxes, Waterford,

Hudson pewter facades, Mack, Margaritaville machine, sculptures, Lynn Bywaters statues

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