Estate Sale
estate sale•2 day sale •3 days away
Mar 28
9am to 4pm
Mar 29
9am to 4pm
Cash or check only. Bring help to load large items. Not responsible for accidents.

There is great vintage furniture, household and collectibles. Included in the sale is a 9 piece vintage beautiful dining set, Bodart 5 piece bedroom furniture, adjustable bed, brass bed, dressers and chests, Lane blanket chest, recliner, 2 lift chairs, sofas, chairs, brass & glasstop tables, kitchen sets, Whirlpool washer and dryer, GE new fridge, clothing, linens and bedding, antique mahogany chest, jewelry, NF books and pictures, Yearbooks & pictures, frames, TVs, kitchenware (lots of pots and pans) and china, Lladro figures, lamps, Christmas(Santa collection), old toys and new toys, unusual carved flower chair, rockers, snowblower, patio sets, tools, ladders, etc. |

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