Tag Sale by Mona

estate sale2 day sale starts tomorrow
Jan 10
10am to 3pm
Jan 11
10am to 3pm
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 Description & Details

Home is loaded! Costume jewelry, shoes, bags, vintage clothes, Asian jewelry boxes, Hummels, collectible bric-a-brac, Murano glass, Italia wine decanter sets, Japanese saki set, crystal stemware, tea & coffee sets, china service ware, beer steins, kitware, Corningware, bakeware, standing ice bucket, decorative plates, pair mid-century arm chairs, rug, floor lamps, rounded fabric sectional, round glass cocktail table, bedroom furniture, Cabriole leg wood dining table with 8 chairs, large sewing cabinet, large entertainment center, Wurlitzer organ, fireplace wood holder, fireplace tools, marble pedestal, cedar chest, mounted sword fish, signed oil on canvas paintings, bedding, electronics, old film projectors, microwave, linens, loads...

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