Gorgeous Treasures Early Bird Estate Sales

estate sale3 day sale starts tomorrow
  • Directions
    2703 Colvin Boulevard in Tonawanda, NY 14150 between Brompton and Burnside. 
Dec 13
7am to 3pm
Dec 14
7am to 3pm
Dec 15
8am to 12pm
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 Terms & Conditions
Open at 7am, so come early! Cash or credit sales (minimum $20)
Large items will be held until end of day with purchase. Please have assistance carrying out. Prices are fair and items are priced to sell. Discounts for multiple items.
 Description & Details

SALE IS ON!!!! New finds, check out updated photos. This Tonawanda home is overflowing with beautiful smalls, glassware, and furniture. Iroquois Beverage Barrel, solid oak, and many unique jewelry pieces. Everything is in immaculate condition including clothing, beds, pictures, home decor, shelves, vases, and stunning artisan created pieces. Annalee Collectibles are here, in addition to more Easter decor that you’ve ever seen! The wall art is interesting with many originals. If you need holiday decorations, this home has many items to browse through. There’s a leather coat, fur coats and a stunning lambs wool coat. Tons of small collectibles like...

Early Bird Estate Sales

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