Tag Sales by Mona
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Beautiful furniture, decorative accent pieces and more! Heritage burled dining room table, 8 chairs, china closet & server, Asian style chests, screens, etagere, secretary, pedestals, sofa tables, pair of Bombay style nightstands, beds, 16 drawer medicine cabinet, armoire, dresser & beds, hand tooled rocking chair, mahogany etagere, pair of tilt top pie crust tables, iron bakers rack, black leather sofa, 3 piece black mica & glass wall unit, white sofa & loveseat, mirrors, art, lots of large and small rugs, urns, Lladros, vases, crystal, set of 20 with serving pieces and soup bowls Lenox "Eternal", Gucci and other designer bags, clothes, shoes, accessories, some costume jewelry, linens, Homesafe & Big Horn gun safe, electronics & more!

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