Fantastic Blue Stoneware, Furniture, Pottery

online only auction1 day sale 9 days away
  • Location Amanda, OH 43102

Sale Starts

Apr 6

Sale Ends

Apr 6


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Fantastic 265-lot Live/On-Line Simulcast Auction commencing Sunday April 6, 2025 at 12:30PM. This auction features an outstanding collection of Early & Fine Furniture (Dressing Tables, Secretaries/Desks, Cabinets & Cupboards, Parlor Tables, Trunks, etc) Salesman Samples, Blue Stoneware (T. F. Reppert, A.P. Donaghho, F. H. Cowden, some very rare pieces, etc) Pottery (Hull, Weller, etc.) Face Jugs, Samplers, Steiff Dolls, Several Lamps, Early Baskets, a wide assortment of Mantle Clocks, and so much more. You will not want to miss this one!
Fine 4-Gallon Morgantown Stoneware JarEarly 2-Door Dutch Painted CabinetHenkel-Harris 2-Pc Cherry High-BoyP. Sega Marble base Mantle Clock(2) Rare Rookwood Blue Partridge BookendsT. F. Reppert Stoneware Jug8-Gallon AP Donaghho Stoneware(2) Early Hickory BasketsBeeHive Reverse Painted  ClockSaint Rita of Cascia Shawdowbox(2) R. Rogers Face JugsF. H. Cowden Stoneware Whiskey JugOvid Double-Handle Blue D?cor JugPair of Steiff HedgehogsDisney Handpainted Movie FilmDisney Handpainted Movie FilmPair of Early BasketsOak Murphy Bed w/ Mirrored TopCherry 4-Drawer ChestGrain Painted Blanket Chest w/ ToleAnsonia Mantle ClockMarble Mantle ClockNorth Electric Company Oak TelephoneCopper Wood Handled Bed WarmerEarly Walnut Document Dovetailed BoxCast-Iron Match Holder(2) Pitcher & Ice Water TubEarly Wood Duck DecoyLeslie Cope Oil-on-Brd Barn SceneHull Corky Pig BankReverse Glass 'Castle in Wales'Silvertone RadioCherry Henkle-Harris Dressing TableWalnut  WardrobeTankard Pitcher w/ Serpant HandlesWeller Umbrella StandPr. Weller Birds2 Gal. Ft. Edward Stoneware CrockA.P. Donaghho Wax SealerOak 2 pc. Sellers CabinetEarly Oak Cradle w/ BonnetWalnut Pier MirrorWild Game-Hide Victorian Buggy Throw3-Hickory BasketsGreen Floral Banquet LampBrown Floral Banquet Lamp3-Wood Carved BirdsVictorian Corner Wall Shelf & Magazine Rack3/4 Sized Scherl & Roth Violin3-Chocolate MoldsFramed Sampler3-Steiff AnimalsThe Allen/Germ Proof/FilterTankard Pitcher w/ Serpant HandlesVictorian Porcelain ClockPr Bristol VasesRare Fenton VaseHepple-White ChestEdwardian Painted Carlton House DeskVictorian Rosewood CredenzaMahog Empire ChestVictorian Fireplace Set w/ screenValuables ChestVictorian Brass Organ/Torch LampBrass/Mirrored Fireplace Screen2-Dated SamplersBronze Cherub StatueFlow Blue PlatterOhio CoverletSampler Hook Rug2-Hook RugsCustard Glass Bridal BowlWalnut Document Box5 Gal. Roseville, OH Crock10 Gal. Donaghho Co.4 Gal. Roseville, OH CrockJohn Rogers Plaster SculptureBrass Mantel ClockPainted Blanket Chest2 pc. Victorian Walnut  BookcaseMahog. English Tall Case ClockHigh-wheel Wicker Victorian BuggyVictorian DollWalnut Diminutive Sugar ChestRed Painted Crock BenchOhio RiverValley Stoneware PitcherAttrib. Roseville, Oh. Stoneware PitcherRare A.P. Donaghho Top Hat Wax Sealer4 Gal. Western PA Stoneware JarClint Alderman RoosterHepple-White Bow-front ChestWalnut Marble-top Parlor TablePr Queen Anne Wingback ChairsQueen Anne Arm ChairQueen Anne Arm ChairSpencerian Penmanship10-Painted Metal Drapery SwingsVictorian Umbrella3 pc Sterling Silver Dresser set3- Dresser mirrors3 pc Sterling Silver Dresser setEarly Candle LanternPersian Iranian Qajar Sterling Silver Box1950 FireChief Bicycle SirenDisneyland Melody Player Music BoxNOS Bubble Blowing MonkeyArt Glass LampSouthern Yellow Pine  HuntBoard20 Gal. A.P. Donaghho crockEarly Green Painted Crock BenchEarly Primitive Red Paint Hired-Hands BenchCherry 3/4 size Corner CupbrdUnusual Painted Flatwall CabinetMiller Slag Glass LampMichael Crocker Face JugSilk Paisley ShawSilk Paisley ShawVictorian Bearskin RugBaby Push-SleighLift-top DrysinkInlaid Sheraton Ladies Sec'yMahogany Empire Stand3 Gal. A Conrad Stoneware JarReggie Meaders Pottery jug FaceStoneware Cream JarStoneware Cream JarWurlitzer ViolinWeller TumblerEarly Duck DecoyMarble-top CredenzaBrass Organ LampSethThomas 8 Day Empire ClockBoardman & Wells ClockVictorian Table Drying RackUrania Porcelain Face Mantle ClockTalking Phonograph w/ HornHubley Cast Iron Carriage Door StopHenredon Game TableCentennial Chippendale Bench-made Library TableDavid T Smith Painted StandDavid T Smith Spindleback Windsor ChairCherry Maddox Sec'y ChippendaleCherry 4-Drawer ServerClassical Guilded Brass Prism LampAmerican Eureka Parlor LampN. Clark Stoneware JarFt. Edward Stoneware CrockHamilton & Jones Stoneware JarZZ TopElectric GuitarRolling Stones Electric GuitarErickson Glass Book & 2-Glass Balls2-Early BrushesEarly Post Office Hand-stamp setDevil Face Jug by Jerry BrownTim Flinn Face JugA.B. Wheeler Cp Stoneware JugA. Berstein Stoneware JugE. Becker Brewing Co. Amber Beer BottleEarly Lap DeskEd Hettinger's Liquor Store Miniature JugLou Rosey Liquor JugEarly Metal Tole Painted Document BoxE. Howard & Walnut Shelf/Mantle ClockGerman Wall ClockRare Salesman Sample Pottery CrockDunham's Coconu Shipping Box/ Doll HouseEarly Tole Painted Cutlery TrayOak Umbrella StandEarly Splint Hickory Buttocks Basket2-Leslie Cope Clown BustsGreen Painted Primitive Candle Box1875 Framed Memorial Print1800's Holy BibleVictorian SetteeDuncan Fife Mahogany Dining setOccassional Leather Arm ChairOccassional Leather Arm ChairOak Swivel Office Chair2-Folk Art Black Memorabilia DollsNOS Rare Smokin Sambo Fireworks PropOdd Fellows TunicRandy the Walking Monkey48 Star US Flag4-Porcelain & Composite Dolls2-Steiff Puppets & Stuffed Bear2-Whelchel Meaders Face JugsShell Tramp Art LampShell LampDutch Painted 2 Door Cabinet2 pc Walnut Plantation DeskWalnut Mirrored Dbl Umbrella StandBeautiful Farm Scene PictureHudson Bay Wool BlanketPr Lead Slag Glass LampsSix Tin Pie SafeEarly 5 Tier- Prism Hanging ChandolierMetal 4 shelf EtagereWalnut Game SideboardPrimitive Dropleaf Pine TableVictorian Pitcher & BowlA.P. Donaghho Wax Sealer CrockMarie Rogers Face jugMarie Rogers Face jugOvid Stoneware JarStoneware Jar2 Gal Little Brown Co. Jug2-Victorian FootstoolsBrass Doll BedOak Rocking CradleOak Salesman Sample Dining TableFlexible Flyer Stenciled Early SledVictorian Opaline Mantle LustreOak School Chalkboard3-Connected Fold-up Theater/Church SeatsWilliamsburg Adaption TableFrench Cigar HumidoreMahogany Chest on ChestCherry Huntboard Dropleaf TableHenry Ford Museum Mahogany TableOvid Stoneware Jug3 Gal. T.D. Harden  JarRick Wisecarver "Sitting Bull" VaseRare Midwestern JugStoneware Advert Canning JarSessions 8 Day Mantle ClockOak Child's WashstandBrass Foot WarmerBrass Foot WarmerMarie Rogers Face JugMarie Rogers Face jug1 Gal. Ovid Stoneware JarAbe McCoy Stoneware JarHamilton & Jones Stoneware Canning JarCottage Painted BookcasePaper Mache' Inlaid Tilt-top TableWalnut Victorian Child's BookcaseCherry Gateleg Dropleaf TablePrimitive Clock-wound Clothes DryerPrimitive Wood FootlockerPrimitive Painted Blanket ChestWindsor Chair6 Gal. Stoneware Crock1 Gal. Chelsea MA Stoneware  Jar4 Gal. R.T. Williams Stoneware CrockH.H. Remmey Stoneware JarGraham & Stone Stoneware Canning JarD.W. Sayre Stoneware JarRare R. Butt Stoneware JarA.P. Donaghho Stoneware JarOak Wall Mirrored Medicine CabinetWalnut Victorian Parlor TablePine Blanket ChestGreen Slag Glass Hanging ChandolierPr Spindleback Swivel BarstoolsPr Spindleback  Arm ChairsMahogany Diminutive  Gateleg TableWood Tilt-top Candle StandFostoria Pink Satin Cracker Jar2-Victorian Rose BowlsPr of Leslie Cope Clown BustsFramed Bas Relief Madonna NeedlepointCherryEarly  ChestWalnut Inlaid Parlor TableMassive-Frame Brass Bed

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