GORGEOUS Estate in Canfield!
Cash or Good Check (ID required), Credit Card with 3% charge.
Please bring your own boxes and packing material as limited amount available.
Not responsible for accidents.

Stunning Estate Sale in Canfield! This beautiful sale has Lladro Figurines, China, Vintage and Modern Furniture, Kitchenware, Silverplate, Enesco Figurines, Costume and Fine Jewelry, Beautiful Easter Decor and Dishes, Purses, Glassware and Barware, TV's, Vintage Super Nintendo with games, Glass Top Modern Office Desk, religious items, jewelry and watches, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas Decor, Foosball table, pool table, air hockey and ping pong tables, beautiful fake flower arrangements and wreaths, Vintage Tin Texaco Fire Engine Truck, Vintage Glass Hanging Owl Lamp, Vintage Hanging Pool Table Lamp, Wheel Chair and Roller Walker, Golf and Sports Plaques and Shelves, Golf Clubs, Vintage Lap Top Pin Ball Games, VHS and VCR, Video Cameras, beautiful Lines and Table Cloths, Asian Accented Nesting Tables, Fox Hunt Artwork, Ornate Mirrors, Designer Chandelier, Bedroom Sets, Youngstown State Graduation Gown, Vintage Wedding Dress, BB gun Pistol, Snowblower, Stihl Leaf Blower, Lawn Tools, Planters, Patio Table and More! You don't want to miss this one. This will be a fast paced sale, address will be released the day before the sale. Watch for us on Facebook and tell your friends. We will do our best to have road directional signs to help with locating and street parking is available. We hand out numbers approx. 1 hour prior to the sale. Thanks and we will see you there!

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