Exceptionally Eclectic Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 2 days away
Regionally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Cleveland, OH 44102 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025.
Mar 27
10am to 4pm
Mar 28
10am to 3pm
Mar 29
10am to 3pm


****Pricing will not be given out before the first day of the sale****

Terms and Conditions:
**WE Do Not Give Out Numbers For Our Sales.**All sales final! *Everything sold as-is, where-is. No refunds or exchanges.
Not responsible for accidents or injuries, so please be careful.
All items must be out by Saturday at end of sale, or will be forfeited unless otherwise approved arrangements have been made with us.
PLEASE NOTE: You need to make arrangements to move any furniture or large items you may buy, ie. muscle, dollie, vehicle. We can not move furniture for you.
Special Note: While we appreciate everyone's desire to save the environment, we request that you do not bring large totes or bags to shop. You will not be allowed to shop with your own bag.
**Respect the Neighborhood**
Thank You.

An absolutely super scrumdilyicious sale full of amazing home decor, furnishings, holiday items, dishware and glassware for all sorts of entertaining, artwork, spectacular art pieces by glass artists and more. An assortment of collectibles and vintage pieces for every collector and reseller. Please see photos for the best idea of what will be offered. Don’t miss this sale!

Super comfy couch… put your feet up.. you deserve it!Sale Picture1 of 2 stuffed arm chairs -let it swallow you up! So cozy!Soaring gulls metal colorful artAfghani rugs and moreSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureAfghani rugAfghani rug1920s Chinese rugGorgeous vases and art glass faceChristopher Radko rabbit ornamentsVintage Christmas ornaments Ethan Allen 3 drawer dresser/storageShoal Creek lampAntique painted glass lamp shade and Steiff dogLarge colorful figural paintingPair of dark blue swivel arm chairsArt glass stemware with artistic figural  designsClose up of artist made stemwareSale PictureSale PictureCzech glass napkin ringsCharter Club dishes(8)Antique wind up toys -donkey and cart, Vtg. Car and unique furry monkey  in a top hat Japan made - lever action Modern Toys carWind up donkey and cart Jumping dog wind up toy with boxMetal base footstool and upholstered topRetro deco wall shelvesChimney sweep - Hummel -unique ceramic and metal lampHummel - chimney sweepWooden display standAssorted cobalt blue glassware - hand blown art glass deerSale PictureSigned art prints including Vladimir SzaboSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureArt glass figurals, glass cracker jar, black memorabilia containerAsian figural, blown glass flamingos, sugar bowl and moreGlass and ceramic decor Peace lily plant2 door hutch with lower storage and overhead light Antique wash stand Vintage plates-floral lamp Large Snow Baby lampArtist glass blown flamingos and more on small cabinet Wood cabinet with one drawer and lower storage cabinet Glass Flamingo collection Sale Picture2 wooden display shelving units with storage Small area rugEuropean artist’s drawing of Jesus Vintage and contemporary glass and ceramic decorCeramic and glass decor Sale PictureCeramic pianist sculptureArt glass vase- glass and metal swans Set of 4 shell containers with metallic edging Snow Baby figurines Snow Baby figurines Duvall Studios Art glass bowl, teacup and hand painted vaseBar cart and accessoriesLarge and Lucious plants!Gorgeous floral painting with ornate framePlaster pedestal3 drawer oval side table with ornate legs Sale PictureVintage LPsSale PicturePair of lighted wooden hutches with glass front doors & shelves and lower storage Wall art face & hand and hanging crystals and decorAssorted stemware and art glassFloral tureen Floral tureen Lenox demitasse cups with sterling silver holders Sale Picture12 Rosenthal US Zone Germany cups with Sterling holdersSale PictureSale PictureEnglish Coalport “Broadway” china Sale PictureRoseville planterArt glass decanter Set of 3 glass candlesticksArt glass - Borowski Frosch Dose GrobSale PictureSale PictureVintage silver-plate, china vases, ruby red stemwareTowle Art glass Female nudes Syrian temple glass remake, Vtg. Toothpick holder, figural salt & pepper shakersSale PictureWine and cordials stemwareSale PictureFruit shaped bowlsFlower shaped plates Antique spectacles, ivory (faux) items, men’s jewelry and moreMannequin head and torso Sale PictureAssorted jewelry -Karg jellyfish glass, Versace purple bust stopperAssorted and various men’s and women’s jewelry and moreAssorted necklaces, earrings and moreVtg. Jewelry piecesSale PictureSale PictureMeerschaum Horse figure pipe and caseSale PictureAssorted jewelry Watches, rings, baubles, oh my!1999 Christopher Radko limited edition Cracker King ornament 2000 Christopher Radko St. Cracker Claus limited edition ornament 2001 Christopher Radko Band Stand Brigade limited edition ornament Sale PictureSale PictureSale PictureRaleigh SC 30 mountain bike Matching pair of end tables Dinkee knife setNeiman Marcus Large collectible Santa figure Battery operated Shaking Classic Car with box and more Battery operated Shaking Classic Car with box Golden Piggy Bank with boxSale PictureFitz and Floyd Santa Christmas classic cookie jarsJohn Huras - glass ornament  Neiman Marcus - made in PolandRinging bell Santa candy holder Christopher Radko Christmas ornaments Plasco Vtg. Plastic Christmas tree with original box and ornaments Assorted home decor Vtg. West German Candle sticks Red Goose Shoes metal figure, metal frog and moreMetal alligator bank-German pewter cups Set of 4 Portuguese majolica style leaf shaped plates  Sale PictureVtg. BarwareCow creamer, cast metal Coca Cola truck ( as is)Japanese vintage Putz housesGlass bear bank, ceramic flower frog holder German glass Santa tree topperGund teddy bearChristopher Radko  glass ornaments and more Disney glass mouse ornaments Lenox and Waterford ornaments and more Lenox and Waterford ornaments Czech Vintage Santa ornaments Wide assortment of vintage and contemporary ornaments Newer and Vtg. Ornaments Deer head ornamentWaterford SantaLenox ornaments Sale PictureSale PictureContemporary and vintage ornaments Katherine’s collection Black and white swan lamp Pair of white chairs Strawberry ornaments and more“Sonic Splendor” Leslie Cohen Jeffreys Fiesta ware dishes and more Fiesta ware and moreFiesta ware and more Worldwide Mask collectionTurkish platterSale PictureMask collection Italian, Jamaican masks and moreSale PictureSale PictureJamaican maskFairy collection Sale PictureFairy collection Sale PictureSale PictureFairy collection Sale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureKarg 2008  paperweight glass jellyfish Josef Inwald Teplice Glass Frog Figural stopperHarmony House silverplate setSale PictureRogers Brothers silverplate setSale PictureSmall set of silverplate Rogers Bros. Silverware Sale PictureSale PictureUpholstered dining chair 1 of 6Glass top table with metal baseOrnate glass finialsStudio B small dishesArtisan styled walnut wooden bowl and utensils Austrian Atelier candlesSale PictureBeeswax candlesSigned art glass vase and large Italian cobalt blue vaseLillian Vernon shell dishesGerman bust jar with hat lidKromex serving trayAssorted flatwareCrackle glaze vaseChristian Thirion art glass Sale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureAssorted flatwareColorful glass platesAntique flute Christmas booklets Cleveland history booksArtist books Better Homes and Gardens story bookBernard Buffet art prints Ben Casey’s children’s medical caseSale PictureMagic Dots for little tots booklet Vtg. Mini packs of children’s card gamesSuper Bowl XXV art cardsMighty Mouse movie boxCleveland Stadium circus program Sale PictureStamp collection bookVtg. Ephemera Comic booksComic BooksStar Wars 1977 comic bookSale PictureSale PictureStamp book contents Hitler stampsSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale Picture2 enameled cast iron mini casserolesSale PictureKitchen dishes Kitchen wareVtg. and new glasswareShot glass collection Party ware Beer mugs and cobal blue drinking glassesKitchen wareSale PictureVintage and contemporary kitchen wareSet of Pyrex stacking bowlsMCM style coffee potSale PictureKitchenwareAssorted cookware Derwood USA china setDerwood USA china set- W.S. George Derwood W.S. George china setKitchen ware -inc. Rocket blending setSale PictureBurley china setSale PictureAntique wood dough/noodle boardsCorning wareLe Creuset cookwareGlasswareSale PictureMicrowave Madonna and child on porcelain tile Painting on board with ornate frameJudaic art and frameMetal palm tree side tableTall silver vase Oh Katherina framed sheet musicNew Orleans art printSale PictureAbstract artSale PictureSale PictureVtg. Wooden BookcaseOffice chair Vtg lamp- 1 of 2Antique high chair with rush seatSale PictureWood corner cupboardSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureAntique light fixtureTreadmillAssorted luggageMulti drawer dresser Lovely serving bowls and platters-Vtg. PurseCookbooks and moreAssorted artAssorted CDsHeller Humbrol German plane modelsGarment steamerTablecloths and draperiesSummer wearNumerous sports pennants including Navy, Notre Dame, Cleveland CavaliersThe Force, Ohio State, Pittsburgh Steelers pennantsCleveland Indians and more pennants 1986 Cleveland Browns pennants and moreVtg. Table linensVtg. Coat/hat rackDresser with Rosenthal lamp and more Vtg. PostcardsSale PictureVtg. Games and video playersBoxed Barbies and other toys Sale PictureMaroon upholstered reclinerVtg. LinenSale PictureSale PictureVtg. silverplate Vtg. silverplate, glassware and more Silverplate, pink depression glass, mirrored vanity tray Bernard Buffet artSale PictureFirst day of issue framed stamps Dresser with mirror, double lamp and moreDeep blue wine and champagne flutesSilver plate trays Variety of silver plate serving pieces and tea setSilver plate Silver plate serving piecesSide table and glass lampAssorted men’s clothing Leather jacket Sale PictureArmoire Grandmother clock and footstool Mantle clock , Asian vasesVtg. booksSale PictureSale PictureDresser, glass lampComposite wall artAssorted lampsSale PictureTall boy dresser Antique rocking chair White and Kenmore sewing machinesSale PictureLane cedar chest Lane cedar chest Emperor wall clock -as isSale PictureAssorted novels and other  books Work desk, TV and moreSale PictureClothing,  shoes and Marilyn hiding in the closet 4 drawer dresserVtg. Mirror, signs , heaters Dorm refrigerator Shaq bobble heads-craft supplies Asian electrified lantern , Asian umbrellasSale PictureSale PictureCamp gear, bike rack , cleaning supplies Fans, yard tools Metal floral stands Holiday itemsParty supplies Holiday bags , styrofoam ballsTrash canSale PictureSale PictureBread maker, food warmers Sale PictureLarge ornaments in boxes Assorted ornaments Assorted ornaments Ice lights in boxesChristmas decorations Variety of new, old, Vtg. Christmas decorationsChristmas decorChristmas decor Christmas ornaments and lights Sale PictureTinsel trees and more CookwareHoliday foliage and light up candy canesSale PictureTree toppers, mirrored decor and more Large White ornamentsSale PictureVHS tapes , holiday and more Large ornaments, light up presentsHoliday -Christmas decor Sale PictureSale PictureSale PictureOrnaments and lighting Light bulbs , tools and more Vtg. Lighting fixture with crystals Variety Christmas treesYard and garden itemsHoliday and outdoor decor Assorted holiday , toaster ovenEaster, Halloween , Christmas Sale PictureGreen outdoor chairs Set of 4 brown outdoor chairs Sale PictureElectric Roaster , fans, outdoor grillPlastic patio tableExtension CordsCement planters Sale PictureSeahorse base-as is Sale PictureConcrete plantersSale PictureAssorted Vtg. Christmas Adults only  8mm moviesAdults only  8mm moviesAssorted baseball cardsBabe Ruth cardsSale PictureAssorted baseball cardsAssorted baseball cardsAssorted baseball cards any Vtg. Player’s cardsBaseball cardsBaseball cards Baseball cardsVtg. Baseball cardsBaseball cardsBaseball cardsSale PictureKarg 2008 jellyfish glassJosef Inwald Teplice Glass Frog Figurine Dancer  1930s Art Bohemian Glass

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