Webb Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 2 days remaining
Mar 13
9am to 5pm
Mar 14
9am to 5pm
Mar 15
9am to 12pm
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Cash and Venmo accepted.
Not responsible for accidents.
No early sales.

63 years of collecting! Glassware (Fenton, Fostoria, Johnson Brothers, Franciscan, Jewel T, etc), collectibles, recliner, dressers, chest of drawers, dining room table and chairs, tools, housewares (pots and pans, iron skillets, small appliances, pressure cookers, etc.), outdoor furniture...so many items! 

Fenton, Pyrex, Corning ware, Fostoria glass, antique bowls, Johnson Brothers Coaching scenes set, Franciscan Dessert Rose set.Fenton, albums, pots and pans, iron skillets, jewelry, teapots Sheets, blankets, table cloths, towels, napkins, doiliesRecliner, dresser, purses, clothesFenton, albums, pots and pans, iron skillets, jewelry, teapots Fenton, Pyrex, Corning ware, Fostoria glass, antique bowls, Johnson Brothers Coaching scenes set, Franciscan Dessert Rose set.Pressure cookers and small appliances TupperwareJewel Tea set, Christmas items, material, baskets, rocking chairBaskets, DVDs, VCR Tapes, Albums, world map, material,  a lot of misc. items.TupperwareSale PictureAir conditioner used one summerChristmas village piecesOutdoor furnitureTools, tools, toolsSale Picture

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