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Great Washington Twp Estate Sale!! Shop with Gwen

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Washington Township, OH 45459 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 22
10am to 4pm
Nov 23
10am to 4pm
Nov 24
11am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
. Cash and bank checks accepted, NO credit cards. All children must be supervised by an adult at all times. Not responsible for accidents. Please bring your own help to load large items. Items sold as , no returns. Please do not block driveways or mailboxes
 Description & Details

Antiques, books, pair of wing chairs, Hummels, glassware, bicycles including two ladies townie bikes, Cabbage Patch, jewelry, vintage clothing including 1950 ladies Roman horseback riding outfits, 1905 Navy blues uniform, albums, sofas, recliner, kitchen table and chairs, small church pew, old maps from 1920-1970), electronics, lamps, artwork, filing cabinets, metal desks, vintage French provincial bedroom sets, quilts, vintage toys, Stueben glass, Christmas decor, vintage games, window treatments, garage items, yard tools, ladder, grill, workbench, dining room table, chairs and china cabinet. With server, china, Pyrex and more!!

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