Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 8 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Yukon, OK 73099 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 20th, 2025.
Mar 21
9am to 4pm
Mar 22
9am to 4pm
Mar 23
1pm to 4pm


All sales are final, everything is sold "as is". Please bring help to load items. We are not responsible for accidents. Cash is encouraged and cards are accepted with a 5% fee.

Estate of Mike Gandara

John Deer 0-turn mower, 1971 Cutlass Convertible, 2001 GMC Sierra, MoPed, 40’s & 50’s lady’s hats & dresses, Antique sofa, office desk, antique kerosene lamp, kitchen table with drop-leaf & 4 chairs & matching cabinet, dining room table w/ 6 chairs, silver tea set, gossip bench, antique side table, chest of drawers, 2 single beds, Full iron rail w/ head/foot board, computer, wall pictures, LG washer & dryer, Reglor of Calif lamp, weight bench, 9- drawer dresser w/ mirror, king bed w/ iron frame, 6 drawer chest, 4 drawer chest, queen bed, T.V. desk, book case, antique sofa & chair, rocking chair, wood office chair, portable electric fireplace, various nativity scenes, unique & rare collectable glassware, 7' glass display, king bed and matching head/foot board, 6' armoire, wood jewelry cabinet, bedding storage 4' long, antique fabric wing back chair, California king size sleigh bed, lamp w/ glass globe hand painted, hand carved wood side table, hat rack, matching lamps, marble collection, baseball cards, Thunder OKC ball in case, lots of OU & other sports memorabilia, lots of autographed celebrity pictures, bikes, golf clubs, hats, costume jewelry, clothes, shoes, & lots more!

* There will be an auction held Sunday 3/23/25 starting at 1 pm to sell all remaining items. Everything must go! Make an offer! *

View more pictures at ---- under "Auctions"

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