The Rusty Trunk LLC opens to "Old Love, New Love" Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 23 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Beaverton, OR 97007 will be available after 8:00am on Friday, March 28th, 2025.
Mar 28
10am to 4pm
Mar 29
10am to 4pm
Mar 30
10am to 2pm

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All photos are "Pre-Interview Photos" We will upload the staged pho...
 Description & Details

Art Outdoor Furniture Desk Cameras Asian Art Nikon D80 Elephant Knick Knacks Shells Leather sofa couch Teeter Inversion Table Leather Couch (Matches sofa) Pillows Vintage Collectibles Steins China Lamps Side Tables Games Display Hutch Crystal Cabinets Ottoman Stained Glass Frames Coats Clothes Linen Bed/headboard Dresser with mirror Gloves Glasses Bathroom Miscellaneous Dresser Sofa Chair Trunk Night Stand Shoes Red Wings Leather Jackets (Riding) White bed with matching night stands Table and Chairs-kitchen Rugs T-cups Small two person side table with two chairs Jade Chess board Office miscellaneous Crafts Air Conditioner Book Shelves Upright Frame Mikasa Books Office Chair Monitors File...

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