December Collection, Online Auction | Dallas, OR: Nest Egg

online only auction9 day sale 4 days remaining
  • Location Dallas, OR 97338

Sale Starts

Dec 13

Sale Ends

Dec 21

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 Description & Details

December Antiques & Collectibles in Dallas Oregon Lots start closing Saturday, December 21, 2024 | 1:00 PM Pacific This auction is packed with so many goodies and a wide variety for everyone! Gold and silver jewelry, coins, sterling silverware, original Gameboy, Star Wars and comics, toys, Civil War documents, Native Rug, large collection of 1900's Magician books and magazines, printing presses, antique ephemera, large collection of antique tobacco flannels/felts and silks, vintage Nike Shoe's with waffle sole, vintage Christmas and much, much more! This auction ends Saturday, December 21st. We will have one pick up day before the holidays, Monday...

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