estate sale2 day sale 12 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in West Linn, OR 97068 will be available after 8:00am on Saturday, January 18th, 2025.
Jan 18
10am to 4pm
Jan 19
10am to 4pm

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With over 25 years experience in the resale market, we do our best to assign every item in the house with its FAIR MARKET VALUE.
Prices are firm on opening days of the sale, but on the last day (Sunday) everything that's left priced $50 and under is 50% Off. If an item priced OVER $50 doesn't sell for the full price, it will be sold to the highest offer, or "bid."
Download our SmartPhone app "Empire v.5" to place bids on any item over $50 -- check out the item in person at the sale, place your bid on the Empire v.5 app from the sale or from home any time of the day or night! But be sure to get your bids placed BEFORE 1:00PM on SUNDAY. If the item doesn't sell for full price, and your offer is the highest, you'll be notified by text and email with instructions to come pick it up! We always want to sell EVERYTHING in the house! That either happens at our prices... or yours!
 Description & Details

Pictures coming soon!

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