auction house1 day sale starts tomorrow
Mar 29
10am to 5pm
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C and C Auctioneers
Carson Chesley


Live & Online Saturday

March 29th @ 10am

18551 Elgin RD Corry PA 16407

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Outstanding collection of Rare, Scarce, & Out of Print Books, Many Coming from Estates from NW Pa. Preview:….. Americana: The History of the Buccaneers, 1810; Men and Manners in America, 1833; The Republican Party, 1888; Chicago and the Great Conflagration, 1871; The United States Illustrated, 1855; Travel & Exploration: Ancient History of the Egyptians, 1848; A Journey from Gibraltar to Malta 1777; Tibet & Nepal; Travels in Mesopotamia, 1827; After Icebergs with a Painter, 1861; Ten Years in South Africa, 1835; Books of Special Interest: Little Leather Library with Cabinet; Miniature Books; Early Gone with the Wind in Dust Jacket; Illustrations of Mary Queen of Scots; Ulysses, 1928, 10th pr.; Nature Knows no Color Line; Treatise on the Rectilinear Motion & Rotation of Bodies, 1784; Dracula, 1902 2nd American Edition; If Tam O'Shanter'd Had a Wheel; The Coach Maker's Illustrated Hand Book, 1875; The Various Contrivances, by Darwin, 2nd Edition; The Practical Surveyor's Assistant, 1793; A Practical Treatise on Mine Engineering, 1870; Meditations in an Emergency, First Edition; History of the Standard Oil Company, First Edition; The Fountainhead, inscribed by Rand; Les Miserables, First Edition; John Wilkes Booth Oilman, with cdv of Booth; Sinbad the Sailor, Illus, by Dulac; Rare Volume of 18th & 19th Century Pamphlets bound in; The Roly-Poly Pudding, by Potter First Edition; An Harmonie Upon the First Book of Samuel, 1607; A Treatise on Slavery, 1840; Life & Adventures of the Notorious Robber Captain Johannes Buckler, 1818; Western Americana: Sights in the Gold Region, 1850; The Discovery of Yellowstone Park, 1870; The Travelers' Guide, 1823; American Indians: Indian Wars of the United States, 1853; The Indian Races of North & South America, 1865; Traditional History of the Ojibway Nation, 1851; Civil War: History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers; Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant; Under the Maltese Cross, with soldiers hand written account of the Civil War; Architecture: Octagon Mode of Building, 1854; Planches Pourle le Premier Volume Du Cours D' Architecture, 1771; Art of Civil Architecture, 1745; Architecture Dictionary, Cottages or Hints on Economical Building; Hobb's Architecture, with plans, 1873; Juvenile: Nancy Drew; Hardy Boys; Oz Books; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Winnie the Pooh, First American Edition; Natural History/Science: A Treatise on Astronomy, 1850; Useful Knowledge on….Nature Etc., 1820; An Introduction to Geology, 1839; Amphibious Carnivora including Walrus and Seals, 1839; Fiction/Poetry/ Literature: The Day of the Jackal, signed; Early books by Kerouac; The Naked and the Dead, Signed; Naked Lunch, Signed; The Hound of the Baskervilles, Sherlock Holmes by Doyle, First American Edition; Religion: A History of Witchcraft in England; Segregation and the Bible; History of the Bible, 1807; Spiritualism Vs Christianity, 1856; Orita - Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies; Bibles; Medical: On Diphtheria, 1861; Elements of Materia Medica & Therapeutics, 1846; The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion, 1854; Sets: Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Kings & Queens of England, 12 Vols., Easton Press; Works of Charles Dickens; The Book of a Thousand Nights, by Richard Burton, 17 Vols. There is a large Selection of many rare and scarce books not available on the market, including many subjects not listed here.

C and C Auctioneers LLC


Carson Chesley Au-006160

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