OTSA 105 The Soldier's March

online only auction1 day sale 2 days away
  • Location Pittsburgh, PA 15243

Sale Starts

Mar 28

Sale Ends

Mar 28


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We have spent much time and energy assuring the items are well cataloged and photographed in order to represent them as accurately as possible. The conditions of each item as noted in the descriptions.

R.O.A.N.- Regiments of All Nations
AOW- Armies of the World

References used for Britains descriptions have been taken in part from Regiments of All Nations and Armies of the World by Joe Wallis.

MIB Mint in Box
Mint-M 99%
Near Mint-NM 98%
Pristine 97-96%
Excellent-EX 95-92%
Very Good-VG 87-80%
Good-G 79-70%
Fair-F 69-60%
Poor-P Less Than 60%

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Join us Friday March 28th, 2025 at 10AM EST for OTSA 105 - The Soldier's March. Manufacturers included: Britains CBG Mignot Collectors Showcase Conte Don Troiani Corgi Dinky Frontline Hiriart Imperial John Jenkins King & Country Lucotte Modern Makers Russian Studios Team Miniatures Thomas Gunn Tradition Wm Hocker
King & Country BBA026 Wounded M4 Sherman TankKing & Country BBG022 Sd. Kfz. 251/22 PakwagenKing & Country AK027 10.5 CM Field GunKing & Country AK039(SL) Desert Tiger Tank LE1250King & Country AK026 Desert Transport and AK044 AKKing & Country RA014 Katyusha Rocket LauncherKing & Country WS072 Summer Panther SetKing & Country LAH097 Leibstandarte RegimentalKing & Country FoB038 Stug III Ausf B Battle ofKing & Country EA010 Dingo Scout Car SetKing & Country Polizei Assortment LAH069,070,072,King & Country Winter SS Assortment LAH074,075,King & Country Soldier Assortment EA021,032,040King & Country Soldier Assortment FJ004-07,011,King & Country U.S. Navy Banner Man and Bar GunnerKing & Country Field of Battle FOB049 Sailor withKing & Country The Great War Soldier AssortmentKing & Country The Great War Mounted Officer andKing & Country The Great War Machine Gun SetKing & Country The Great War Uhlan AssortmentKing & Country World War II Set AssortmentKing & Country World War II Set AssortmentKing & Country World War II Set AssortmentKing & Country World War II Waffen Set AssortmentKing & Country FJ Grenadiers and GunnersKing & Country Battle of The Bulge Set AssortmentKing & Country Battle of The Bulge Set AssortmentKing & Country World War II Fallschrim-JagerKing & Country Fallschrim-Jager Motorcycles andKing & Country D-Day '44 Americans SetsKing & Country D-Day '44 Americans AssortmentKing & Country Battle of Bulge German AssortmentKing & Country Berlin '38 AssortmentKing & Country Battle of The Bulge German Gun CrewKing & Country Fallschrim-Jager Gun Team andKing & Country RO39 Mounted Julius Caesar andKing & Country German Cossack, Bobby Woll, TrafficKing & Country Figure Assortment CF04,05,06,007,King & Country American Civil War FigureKing & Country American Civil War Mounted FiguresKing & Country Jeb Stuart, Robert E Lee, After TheKing & Country American Civil War Set AssortmentThomas Gunn Miniatures German Cavalry AssormentThomas Gunn Miniatures German Cavalry AssortmentKing & Country WS080 Gepard Flakpanzer 38(T)King & Country WS068 Puma Armoured CarKing & Country DD065 British ShermanKing & Country DD056 GeronimoKing & Country IWJ020 Return Fire and IWJ022King & Country DD035 M16 Quad 50 HalftrackKing & Country AK023 Panzer IV SetKing & Country BBA04 Friend or FoeKing & Country XM05-01 Santa in a Jeep SetKing & Country FOB044 Polizei in Action and WS107King & Country WS135(SL) July Bomb PlotKing & Country Age of Napoleon Assortment NA09,10,King & Country Napoleon Horseback AssortmentKing & Country Napoleon Assortment Scots GreysKing & Country Age of Napoleon Cavalry AssortmentKing & Country NA126 and NA127 CG Officer PairKing & Country Dutch Lancer AssortmentKing & Country Age of Napoleon Figure AssortmentKing & Country Age of Napoleon Figure AssortmentKing & Country NA158(SL) Napoleon & His GeneralsKing & Country Crimean War Figure AssortmentKing & Country Crimean War Lancer AssortmentKing & Country CRW04 Russian Gun TeamKing & Country Pair of CRW24SL 'The Rescue' CrimeaKing & Country Crimean Campaign Russian GunnerKing & Country Crimean Campaign 93rd HighlanderKing & Country Crimean Campaign 93rd HighlanderKing & Country Crimean Campaign Mounted HussarKing & Country Crimean Campaign Mounted AssortmentKing & Country NA023 French Mounted Officer andKing & Country NA117 Charging Sword Upward andKing & Country Age of Napoleon AssortmentKing & Country RO20-RE Fighting Aquilifer withKing & Country Australian Lighthorse AssortmentKing & Country Australian Lighthorse AssortmentKing & Country Australian Lighthorse FlagbearersKing & Country Australian Lighthorse PairKing & Country Christmas Set PairKing & Country IWJ019 Iwo Jima Flag Raising SetKing & Country AK20D Afrika Demag Halftrack andKing & Country Fallschrim-Jager Set PairKing & Country EA013 The Mine Sweeper and EA015King & Country AK046(SL) Rommels Desert HorchKing & Country EA031(SL) Churchill & His GeneralsKing & Country EA042 Desert BentleyKing & Country FOB020 German Kubelwagen CarKing & Country DD075 U.S. Patrol JeepKing & Country DD39A GMC Jimmy TruckKing & Country LW032 Opel Maultier FlakwagenKing & Country AK030 Panzer II Tank SetKing & Country AK040 Afrika Korp Panzer IVKing & Country WS57 88MM GunKing & Country WS059 JagdpantherKing & Country WS070 Winter Tiger Strictly LimitedKing & Country WS077 Panzer Meyer Command VehicleKing & Country WS081 Kettenkrad (Motorcycle)King & Country WS103 88mm Flak 18King & Country AK058(SL) Rommel's DesertKing & Country LW028 Focke Wolf 190King & Country AK071(SL) Messerschmitt BF. 109 F-4King & Country RAF016 Supermarine Spitfire Mk. 1King & Country #RF007(G) Roman Fort (Graystone)CBG Mignot Napoleon in EgyptCBG Mignot Napoleon as First CouncilCBG Mignot Mounted Marine OfficerCBG Mignot Polish LancersCBG Mignot Grenadier GuardsCBG Mignot Russian Line InfantryCBG Mignot MarinesCBG Mignot Russian GrenadiersCBG Mignot GrenadiersCBG Mignot Light InfantryCBG Mignot Marine GuardsCBG Mignot Mounted Russian GuardsCBG Mignot Line InfantryCBG Mignot Mounted Dragon OfficerCBG Mignot Cavalry AssortmentCBG Mignot Cavalry AssortmentCBG Mignot AssortmentCBG Mignot AssortmentCBG Mignot AssortmentCBG Mignot AssortmentCBG Mignot Mounted Grenadier GardesCBG Mignot Polish Lancers 1812CBG Mignot Full Band of ChasseursCBG Mignot 4th Ligne Chasseur LancersCBG Mignot Mounted AssortmentLucotte 7th HussarsLucotte Foot Grenadier GardesCBG Mignot AssortmentCBG Mignot AssortmentCBG Mignot AssortmentCBG Mignot Garde of HonorCBG Mignot Hussars in BlueCBG Mignot Gardes de HonorCBG Mignot CarabinieriCBG Mignot Mounted Polish Lancer BandCBG Mignot Band of the 57nth LigneCBG Mignot Grenadiers Hollandaise 1812CBG Mignot Chasseurs De La GardeCBG Mignot Austrian Foot ArtilleryCBG Mignot Prussian Artillery Set.Lucotte Garde DragoonsLucotte 7th Light Horse LancersCBG Mignot French Ligne InfantryCBG Mignot Musique Garde a Pied AmsterdamCBG Mignot 8th Light Infantry SapeursCBG Mignot Austrian InfantryCBG Mignot Garde SapeursCBG Mignot DragoonsGrass Diorama BaseplatesPond Diorama BaseplatesRiver Straight Diorama BaseplatesRiver Bend Diorama BaseplatesDirt Road Diorama BaseplatesRaised Road Diorama BaseplatesBritains Snake Rail Fence and Wall AssortmentTree and Fence AssortmentDiorama Accessory AssortmentRidge Tent and Medical TentBell Tent AssortmentBivi Tent AssortmentWooden Field TentLog Trench Hillside Diorama AssortmentLog Trench Hillside Diorama AssortmentCurved Hillside Log Trench Diorama AssortmentBritains Set 17245 Hold At All CostsBritains Set 17244 Forward With The ColorsPair of Britains Set 17240 Regiments - UnionPair of Britains Set 17100 Nathan Bedford ForrestLot of 4 Britains Set 17227 Union CannonLot of 5 Britains Set 17228 Confederate CannonBritains Sets 17287 and 17288 LeadersBritains Confederate and Union Casualties SetsBritains Set 00281 Father Corby's Irish BrigadeBritains Set 17016 Lone Star and Add-On SetPair of Britains Set 17015 Union Infantry FiringBritains Confederate Set AssortmentBritains Pennsylvania Regiment Set AssortmentPair of Britains Set 17289 Regiments-28th VirginiaPair of Britains Set 17295 Hold At All Costs - AddPair of Britains Set 17294 Forward With The ColorsBritains Set 17012 The Angel Of Marye's HeightsBritains Civil War Leaders AssortmentBritains Civil War Leaders AssortmentBritains Set 17394 Union Cannon SetBritains Set 17224 Gettysburg Confederate CommandPair of Conte Set #ACW57116 Iron Brigade AdvancingBritains The Royal Scots Dragoon GuardsBritains Set 8800 Coldstream GuardsConte Don Troiani #59001 Lions of the Round TopPair of Conte Set #57100 Union Infantry FiringConte American Civil War Set AssortmentBritains Tournament Knights Foot Knights andBritains Set 8305 Scots Guard BandBritains Civil War AssortmentBritains House DioramaDiorama Assembly House and Water TowerPair of King & Country AK049 AK Tank Riders SetKing & Country Battle of The Bulge Americans SetsKing & Country Waffen SS Set AssortmentKing & Country Waffen SS Set AssortmentKing & Country Waffen SS Set AssortmentKing & Country Leibstandarte SS Figure Set PairKing & Country Camel Corps Set AssortmentKing & Country RA011 Support Section and RA012King & Country Fall of Berlin Set AssortmentKing & Country D Day Set AssortmentKing & Country Waffen SS Set AssortmentKing & Country Waffen SS Set AssortmentKing & Country Waffen SS Set PairKing & Country Fallschirm-Jager Set AssortmentKing & Country Battle of Bulge German AssortmentKing & Country Eigth Army Set AssortmentKing & Country Operation Market Garden AssortmentKing & Country Battle of the Bulge AssortmentKing & Country D Day Americans AssortmentKing & Country Waffen SS AssortmentKing & Country World War II Set AssortmentKing & Country AssortmentKing & Country Roman Legion Barbarians AssortmentKing & Country Roman Legion Barbarians AssortmentKing & Country Roman Legion Barbarians AssortmentKing & Country Crusaders and Saracens AssortmentKing & Country Crusaders and Saracens AssortmentKing & Country Crusaders and Saracens AssortmentKing & Country Crusaders and Saracens AssortmentKing & Country Crusaders and Saracens AssortmentKing & Country American Revolution AssortmentKing & Country American Revolution AssortmentKing & Country World War II Figure PairKing & Country Remember The Alamo AssortmentKing & Country RAF003 Flying Officer MoggyKing & Country WS088 Road BlockKing & Country EA024 LRDG 30cwt ChevroletKing & Country FW013 Kaisers Staff Car SetKing & Country AE003 ChariottKing & Country WS052A Prime Mover Halftrack SetKing & Country FJ008-07 FJ Motorcycle ComboKing & Country WS047 Stug IV with 3 crewKing & Country WS067 King TigerKing & Country AK035 AK Motorcycle ComboKing & Country WS087 HaltKing & Country Eighth Army Vehicle Set PairKing & Country MG001 Recce JeepKing & Country WS121 Sd.kfz.250/1 LeichterKing & Country LAH079 Recce TruckKing & Country FOB043 Polizei ADGZ Armoured CarKing & Country WS092 Tour of InspectionKing & Country WS176 HitlerJugend Panther Ausf. AKing & Country EA026 Pipes & DrumsKing & Country LAH084 Motorcycle ComboKing & Country AK29 Rommel's GREIF CommandKing & Country WS106 Hitlers Paris VisitKing & Country LAH036 Drum HorseKing & Country BBA031 105 Field GunKing & Country WS013(W) Winter Hanomag HalftrackKing & Country AR068 Cannon SetKing & Country BBG035 Flak 41 88mm Gun LE550King & Country WS177(SL) Snow TigerKing & Country BBA030 M3A2 Half-TrackKing & Country WS104(SL) Assassination of HeydrichKing & Country BBG016 King Tiger (Henschel Turret)King & Country WS180(SL) JagdTigerKing & Country BBA015(SL) General InspectionKing & Country WS151 Tiger IKing & Country RAF007 Hawker Hurricane Mk I UF KKing & Country WS043 Michael Whittmans Last TigerKing & Country DD056 GeronimoKing & Country German AssortmentKing & Country Accessory AssortmentKing & Country Battle Relics Knocked Out GermanKing & Country Nouveau Normandy Village SP045King & Country Figure AssortmentCollection Armour Tornado GR-MK1 Royal Air ForceFranklin Mint Armour Collection B11B316 B25Britains #217 Argentine CavalryBritains From #12, 11th HussarsBritains Assorted Cavalry FiguresBritains Assorted Cavalry FiguresBritains From #12, 11th HussarsBritains #229 U.S. Cavalry at the WalkBritains RARE #94 21st Lancers OmdurmanBritains From #94 Assorted 21st LancersAssorted French Made Cavalry FiguresBritains Paris Office French Army OfficerBritains From The Charge of The Light BrigadeSt. Petersburg Mounted Napoleonic HussarRussian Studio Medieval KnightKing & Country American Civil WarKing & Country WW2 AssortmentKing & Country WW2 G.I. & Hungry PuppyKing & Country Glossy Napoleonic FiguresKing & Country WW2 German Field Gun & CrewKing & Country #WS015 Winter Tiger TankKing & Country WW2 AssortmentKing & Country #IWJ07 Amphibious AssaultKing & Country Warbirds RARE Mitsubishi ZeroKing & Country Warbirds RARE Airco DH4King & Country Hawker HurricaneKing & Country Warbirds RARE FA-18 HornetKing & Country Warbirds RARE Boeing-17FKing & Country Warbirds RARE Mustang P-51King & Country Warbirds RARE Vought F-4U CorsairModern Makers, Assorted SoldiersKing & Country U.S. MarinesKing & Country Civil War ConfederatesRussian Studios Knights TemplarRussian Studios Medieval KnightsAssorted NapoleonicsAssorted NapoleonicsAssorted NapoleonicsAssorted Historical FiguresRussian Studios, Assorted Historical SoldiersKing & Country U.S. Marines In ActionBritains Assorted U.S. MarinesKing & Country The Real West FiguresKing & Country The Real West FiguresKing & Country The Real West FiguresKing & Country U.S. Marines In ActionKing & Country U.S. Marines In ActionConte Troiani "The Southern Cross"Conte Troiani "Lions of the Round Top"Conte Troiani "The Southern Cross" Add on SetBritains #1828 British Infantry Of The LineBritains #1836 Argentine Military CadetsBritains #1913 CameroniansBritains #1250 Royal Tank CorpsBritains #1545 Australian Infantry Present ArmsBritains #330 U.S.A, AviationBritains #222 Uruguayan InfantryBritains #1892 Indian InfantryBritains #183 American CowboysBritains #141 Infanterie de LigneBritains #1251 U.S.A. InfantryBritains #35 Royal MarinesBritains Pre war SetsBritains #216 Argentine InfantryBritains #189 Belgian InfantryBritains #1425 Abyssinian TribesmenBritains #1858 British Infantry, Battle DressBritains #34 Grenadier Guards FiringBritains #124 Irish GuardsBritains #141 Infanterie de LigneBritains #77 Gordon HighlandersBritains #195 British InfantryBritains #1435 Italian InfantryBritains #112 Seaforth HighlandersBritains #212 The Royal ScotsBritains #1900 The Louw Wepner RegimentBritains RARE #1850 Netherlands InfantryBritains #133 U.S.S.R. InfantryBritains #192 Infanterie de LigneBritains RARE #172 Bulgarian InfantryBritains #114 Queen's Own Cameron HighlandersBritains #114 Queen's Own Cameron HighlandersBritains #213 Highland Light InfantryBritains #150 North American IndiansBritains #205 Coldstream Guards (Salute)Britains #167 Turkish InfantryBritains #1554 Royal Canadian Mounted PoliceBritains #133 Russian InfantryBritains #191 Turcos ChargingBritains #117 Egyptian InfantryBritains #109 Royal Dublin FusiliersBritains #116 Sudanese InfantryBritains #74 Royal Welsh Fusiliers with MascotBritains #11 The Black Watch 42nd HighlandersBritains #112 Seaforth HighlandersBritains #36 Royal Sussex RegimentBritains #122 The Black Watch FiringBritains #92 Spanish InfantryBritains #19 West India RegimentBritains #1902, Union of South AfricaBritains #177 Austro-Hungarian InfantryBritains RARE #1436 Italian InfantryBritains #196 Greek Evzones Light InfantryBritains #1856 Polish InfantryBritains #1723 Royal Army Medical CorpsBritains #1544 Australian InfantryBritains Highlander SetsBritains #178 Hungarian GuardsBritains #111 Grenadier GuardsBritains #1574 The King's (Liverpool) RegimentBritains RARE #174 Montenegrin InfantryBritains #207 Officers & Petty OfficersBritains #312 Grenadier GuardsBritains #36 Royal Sussex RegimentBritains #225 The King's African RiflesBritains #228 U.S.A. MarinesBritains #313 Royal Artillery GunnersBritains #166 Italian InfantryBritains #110 The Devonshire Regiment, 11th FootBritains #1260 British Infantry FiringBritains #192 Infanterie de Ligne Active ServiceBritains #1253 U.S. WhitejacketsBritains #110 The Devonshire Regiment 11th FootBritains #314 Coldstream GuardsBritains #80 Whitejackets of The Royal NavyBritains #1911 Naval OfficersBritains #314 Coldstream GuardsBritains #151 Royal Navy Volunteer ReserveBritains #171 Greek InfantryBritains #1395 King's Own Scottish BorderersBritains #1901 Cape Town HighlandersBritains #230 U.S.A. SailorsBritains #107 Irish GuardsBritains #157 The Gordon Highlanders FiringBritains #1730 Royal Regiment Of ArtilleryBritains #194 Machine Gun SectionBritains U.S.A Forces Boxed SetsBritains U.S.A Forces Boxed SetsBritains British Infantry TypesBritains #82 Scots Guards Pioneers and ColourBritains #2117 U.S. Army BandBritains #9332 Seaforth HighlandersBritains Modern IssuesWm. Hocker #82 Zulu WarriorsBritains #145 Royal Army Medical CorpsBritains RARE #176 Austrian DragoonsBritains #83 RARE Middlesex YeomanryBritains #1343 The Royal Horse Guards CloakedSingle Figure AssortmentSingle Figure AssortmentBarclay & Manoil Dimestore AssortmentAssorted Dimestore SoldiersAssorted Dimestore SoldiersDinky Military VehiclesDinky Solido Midgetoy & Other VehiclesDinky Corgi & Other Military VehiclesDinky Corgi & Other Military VehiclesSolido & Other Military VehiclesSolido TanksAssorted Plastic Vehicles & Composition SoldiersAssorted Britains Johillco & Other FiguresModern Makers Assorted RegimentsModern Makers Assorted RegimentsModern Makers Assorted RegimentsModern Makers Assorted RegimentsAmerican Civil War Confederate & Union ArmiesTootsietoy & Authenticast Military VehiclesMilitary AssortmentMilitary AssortmentStadden Highland PipersModern Makers Assorted RegimentsModern Makers Assorted RegimentsModern Makers Assorted RegimentsModern Makers Assorted RegimentsModern Makers Assorted RegimentsAuthenticast Highlanders in Steel HelmetsLarge Britains AssortmentFrontline #IWC4 Woodland IndiansFrontline #IWC1 Woodland IndiansFigarti Lewis & Clark SetCollectors Showcase Civil War AssortmentAssorted Military Pieces & MakersTradition "The Naval Brigade"Tradition The Naval Brigade 4.7" GunImperial Black Watch HighlandersBritains Russian Infantry FiringBritains Zouaves ChargingImperial Rorke's Drift FiguresImperial Royal Navy Brigade, 1882Large Assortment of Imperial FiguresWorld War FiguresCorgi Fighting MachinesAssorted Plastic ArmiesTeam Miniatures Franco Prussian War FiguresAssorted Regiments, Variety of MakersTradition British Cavalry ChargeTradition WWI German InfantryLucotte French Infantry 1916War Park AX023 Winter Hummel Sdkfz 165WWII Military VehiclesTwo War PlanesCorgi Heinkel He111 H-2 "The Humbie Heinkel"Corgi Messerschmitt Bf110ECollectors Showcase Berghoff SeriesAmerican Civil War AssortmentACME Diecast 2010 Dodge Challenger SRT8Team Miniatures Polish LancersTeam Miniatures Polish LancerTeam Miniatures, Russo Japanese War FiguresTeam Miniatures, Russo Japanese War FiguresTeam Miniatures "Drinking Tea" SetTeam Miniatures U.S. Soldiers, Peking 1900Team Miniatures, Peking 1900 SeriesTeam Miniatures, U.S. Soldiers, Peking 1900Team Miniatures, Peking 1900 SeriesTeam Miniatures, Peking 1900 SeriesTeam Miniatures, Peking 1900 SeriesTeam Miniatures, Peking 1900 SeriesTeam Miniatures, Peking 1900 SeriesTeam Miniatures, Peking 1900 SeriesTeam Miniatures, Russian Soldiers Peking 1900Team Miniatures, British Marines Peking 1900Team Miniatures, British Marines Peking 1900Team Miniatures, Chinese Soldiers Peking 1900Team Miniatures, Chinese Soldiers Peking 1900Team Miniatures, LARGE LOT!Team Miniatures, Peking 1900 SeriesModern Maker, Assorted RegimentsAlymer & Trophy U.S. Troops Boxer RebellionDinky, Tootsietoy & Other Military ToysModern Makers, Assorted RegimentsModern Makers, Assorted Highlander RegimentsModern Makers, Assorted Highlander RegimentsModern Makers, Indian & Turcos InfantriesModern Makers, Aussies, Russians & ZouavesModern Makers, Assorted RegimentsModern Makers, Assorted RegimentsBritains Cavalry TypesBritains Cavalry TypesSolid cast. Imperial ElephantKing & Country GHEP Escort & ColoursKing & Country Black Watch Pipes & DrumsAssorted Arab & Indian SoldiersBarclay Railroad & Civilian FiguresDurbar Elephants, Assorted MakersThomas Gunn WWII German SS SetsThomas Gunn WWII German Field Gun & OfficerThomas Gunn WWII German Cavalry SoldiersThomas Gunn WWII German Cavalry SoldiersBritains & Other Parade FiguresChinese Infantry TypesBritains From #1898 German Luftwaffe PilotsAssorted Makers, Variety of RegimentsJapanese & Chinese InfantriesBritains Prussian Infantry & Mexican InfantryBritains Conversions Mexican InfantryModern Makers, Assorted RegimentsRoyal Marines Light Infantry At EaseBritains Parade FiguresBritains Parade FiguresBritains Regimental Band TypesIrish Guards, Pipes, Drums & BuglesBritains Regimental Band TypesRegimental Band Types, Assorted MakersBritains African RiflesBritains Royal Marines Band & Colour PartyBritains AssortmentBritains #5195 & #5295 Royal Lifeguards BandThe Victory Wooden Jigsaw PuzzleAssorted Farm Figures & AccessoriesAssorted Farm Figures & AccessoriesAssorted Farm Figures & AccessoriesModern Makers, Assorted Hunt FiguresModern Makers, Assorted Garden FiguresModern Makers Village AssortmentAssorted Farm Figures & AccessoriesSteadfast Officers Field HeadquartersBritains #125 B Scale Royal Horse ArtilleryKing & Country AssortmentTeam Miniatures FiguresBritains Assorted FiguresBritains Special Collectors Edition FiguresBritains #8872 Egyptian Camel CorpsBritains Napoleonic AssortmentBritains Premier Medical SetsBritains Premier WWI SetsBritains Premier #41025 French 75mm GunBritains Premier WWI SetsBritains Premier #41024 German 7.7mm GunBritains Premier #41036 Premier Thornycroft LorryBritains Premier #41028 German Storm TroopersBritains #4100 50th Anniversary Coronation SetBritains AssortmentJohn Jenkins Battle on the Monongahela 1755John Jenkins Battle of The Chippawa, 1814John Jenkins SetsJohn Jenkins #CAN02 French Militia in CanoeJohn Jenkins #CAN03 Ojibwa IndiansLARGE LOT Britains Napoleonic Single FiguresBritains Assorted Napoleonic FiguresBritains Napoleonic AssortmentModern Makers, Assorted RegimentsWm. Hocker Assorted RegimentsAssorted Farm Figures & AccessoriesFarm & Village AssortmentErzgebirge Soldiers & SkierBritains #196 The EvzonesHiriart Greek EvzonesFrench Infantry & Foreign Legion TypesFrench Foreign Legion & Mule TeamAssorted Composition Figures, Variety of MakersAssorted Military Model FiguresGuy Renaud Standard BearersGuy Renaud Standard BearersQuiralu Ski TroopersElastolin & Lineol Composition AssortmentKing & Country Medieval TentsMignot French Infantry With WoundedModern Makers Assorted RegimentsBritains Eyes Right Plastic Royal Marines BandMignot Standard BearersLucotte Napoleonic Personality FiguresLucotte Napoleonic Personality FiguresLucotte Napoleonic Personality FiguresLucotte Napoleonic Personality FiguresLucotte Napoleonic Personality FiguresLucotte Napoleonic Personality FiguresMignot Mounted Republican Guard BandMignot Cadre NoirMignot Football Diorama SetMignot "Ski Nautique" Diorama SetTrophy Sudanese Firing & AdvancingTrophy King's Royal Rifle CorpsTrophy 27th Baluche Kneeling, FiringTrophy Egyptian InfantryTrophy Tamil British MarinesTrophy Sudanese Infantry FiringTrophy King's Royal Rifle Corps ChargingDorset or similar Highlanders in Tropical DressImperial #33 91st Highlanders Mounted OfficerBritains #17456 German 916th Mortar TeamBritains #11 RARE 42nd Black Watch HighlandersBritains Gordon Highlanders With OfficerBritains #11 Black Watch 42nd HighlandersBritains Devonshire & Dublin FusiliersBritains Seaforth Highlanders With PiperBritains RARE #109 City Imperial VolunteersBritains RARE #26 Boer Infantry, Shoulder ArmsBritains RARE #26 Boer Infantry, At TrailBritains #26 Boer Infantry, Shoulder ArmsBritains #11 RARE 42nd Blackwatch HighlandersBritains #11 Black Watch Highlanders ChargingBritains #112 Seaforth HighlandersBritains RARE #112 Seaforth HighlandersBritains #11 Black Watch Highlanders ChargingBritains From #89 Cameron HighlandersBritains Pre War Black Watch HighlandersSomerset Indian Army TypesBritains #110 The Devonshire Regiment 11th FootBritains #114 Queen's Own Cameron HighlandersBritains #109 Royal Dublin FusiliersBritains RARE #96 York & Lancaster RegimentBritains RARE #119 Gloucestershire RegimentBritains #109 Royal Dublin FusiliersBritains From #110 The Devonshire RegimentBritains #437 Officers of the Gordon HighlandersBritains #69 Pipers of Scots GuardsWorld War Two AssortmentCollectors Showcase Fuhrer Office ReichskanzleiKing & Country WW2 German Steet BannersUltimate Soldier & First Legion WW2 AssortmentThomas Gunn #GW097 WWI Russian InfantryKing & Country WW2 FiguresImperial #55 Egyptian Infantry, 1882Blackhawk #BH1301 General Custer, 1876Frontline #EGW1 WWI German Trench MortarFrontline WWI German Ulan RegimentFrontline German Ulan Regiment & Storm TroopersFrontline German Ulan & ONTC Hand to Hand SetTradition French & British Infantries ChargingTradition Robert E. Lee and His GeneralsTradition 2023 Christmas SetTradition French Infantry TypesBlack Hawk "La Vie de Napoleon" 1769-1821First Legion #ACW088 General Robert E. LeeFirst Legion Roman Series FiguresAmerican Civil War AssortmentCollectors Showcase Confederates WavingCollectors Showcase Civil War ConfederatesCollectors Showcase Civil War ConfederatesCollectors Showcase Civil War ConfederatesCollectors Showcase American Civil War FiguresAssorted Soldiers, Modern MakersHiriart Cameronians and Light Infantry RegimentsHiriart Highlanders Marching at SlopeHiriart Large Assortment of Highlanders with ColouBritains #119 Gloucestershire RegimentBritains #2009 Belgian Army GrenadiersBritains #159 Territorial Army YeomanryBritains RARE #653 Civilian MotorcycleBritains Set #2034 Prairie Schooner In BrownTimpo RARE Beatrix Potter SetBlenheim Zulu Wars Figures & AccessoriesSomerset Mounted Arab With British FlagEd Burley U.S. West Point CadetsVintage Large Scale Paper SoldiersScottish Clans in Civilian GarbBritish Camel Corps TypesRussian Studio Figures With Nicholas & AlexandraDel Prado U.S. Doughboy With Medals & Marine RoseHM Great Britain Royal Scots GreysHM Great Britain 72nd HighlandersLarge Assortment of Civilians & SoldiersLucotte #169 Dragons de VillaviciozaLucotte #150 Chevau-legers Saxon Vac PolenzLucotte Gardes de MilanLucotte #175 Legion PortugaiseLucotte #178 Batave Dragons de la GardeLucotte #180 Uhlans BavaroisTradition Boxed SetsTradition Boxed SetsTradition Boxed SetsTradition Boxed SetsTradition Boxed SetsTradition Boxed SetsTradition #57 Prussian Guard InfantryTradition #31 Sierra Leone Royal ArtilleryTradition Boxed SetsTradition Boxed SetsTradition Boxed Sets

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