Multiple Estate Collectible Auction

online only auction1 day sale 19 days away
  • Location Punxsutawney, PA 15767

Sale Starts

Apr 1

Sale Ends

Apr 1


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This auction contains a wide range of items. HAND TOOLS: wooden planes, clamps, broad axes, draw knives, mallets, chisels, saws, barn beam drill and much more? MUSICAL: player piano rolls, reproducing records/disks, antique players, cleaned and ready to play instruments, (viola, violins, clarinets, trumpets, drums, trombones, saxophone, flutes and more? COLLECTIBLES & ANTIQUES: Movie and sports posters, prosthetic eyeballs and other antique/vintage medical equipment, fishing items, scales, lanterns, vote box, cast iron skillets, Singer Feather weight sewing machine, search light w/crate, CB radio, telegraph kit, blasting machine, buttons, horns, butter churn, primitive points (arrowheads), WWII German items, tintypes, Hess trucks, model railroad engines, cars and accessories, ephemera, manuals, pamphlets, farm magazines, vintage firearm catalogs, vintage Apple magazines, farming parts catalogs, vintage auto pamphlets and engine manuals, Holley valve covers and so much more...
7 draw knivesbrass drillsbroad axescooper toolsbroad axemolding planes3 Stanley planeshide toolBed Rock planewood planeshand planesMolding planesStanley planespoke shaversMolding planesStanley planewooden planeshand planehand planesbarn beam drillscrewdriver lothand planescorner drillsplumb bobwooden malletsslatsmolding planesbroad axesspoke shavershand planeshand planesdraw kniveshand planessmaller hand toolshand planestoolshand planesplanesmarking gaugesplanestoolscoopers planemiscellaneous toolstoolsplanesBung Auger reamersdouble bladed hand planesbreast drillsStanley planesbreast drillsplanesbuck saw(5) block planes(9) block planesplanes(6) block planesmiscellaneous plane lotplanesbeam drillplanestoolshand planePolyphon music boxcylinder music boxmusical rollsPolyphon musical discsAtwater Kent horn speakerpiano rolls(2) Regina musical discspiano rollsmusical discmusical discMelody Radio Cruiser radioMelodia music boxReproducing Piano rollsphonographReproducing record piano rollsReproducing record piano rollsReproducing record piano rollsReproducing record piano rollspiano rollspiano rollspiano rollspiano rollsvacuum tubevacuum tubevacuum tubevacuum tubevacuum tubesvacuum tubesvacuum tubesvacuum tubeclocksart glassfire nozzelstelephonescalesPyrexglass eyesscaletoysfishing itemsmedical boxeschecking instrumentvoting boxlampsad iron warmermeat slicerskilletskilletskilletskillettea kettlecast iron lotdutch ovencast iron skilletsgriddleskilletskilletskilletskilletdutch ovenbrass fanfanfanfanunusual fanmetermedical boxsewing machinecandle holdersmedical itemstime boxgun boxtesterknitting machinebitters boxlampNOS two way radiogamecollectible lotbilliard ball setporch lighttoystelegraph setblasting machinemilitary lotbuttonsColeman lotsunglassestable lampspecial boxhornhornhornchurnchurnfirst aid kitcollectible lotHolley engine valve coverscollectiblesinstrumentsprojectile pointsprojectile pointsprojectile pointschildren's toysGI Joeantique photographsold game piecesbatvintage Peanuts Charlie Brown postermovie posterssport posterssport posterssport postersstreet lightscar posterstoystoystoystoystoystoystoystoysephemeracatalogscatalogscatalogscatalogspaper advertisingbooksmilitary itemssports magazinesmagazinespocket brochurescataloggun catalogsports lotmagazinesbookhit and miss engine literaturefarming literaturecatalogstractor catalogsbookcatalogscatalogscatalogscatalogscatalogscan lotcalendarsignsignpump platesignsignpump platethermometertire stand itemsignsignkettlepot hangerbook casesignreproduction signkettlesignssignscansthermometeroil cansthermometersthermometersadvertising lotoil cantransmission fluid canoil cangrease cansoil cansgasoline canoil jarsoil jarssignoil cansoil cansoil cansoil cansoil cansoil cansoil cansoil cansgrease cansreproduction globeracksrailroad cansignssignreproduction thermometerracksreproduction signreproduction signreproduction signreproduction signtoysthermometerbeer advertisingadvertising lotcast iron seatcardslamp shadeslamp shadeslamp shadeslamp shadeslamp shadeslamp shadeslamp shadeslamp shadeslamp shadeslamp shadeslamp shadelamp shadeautomotiveslot machinecash registerpetal caramplifierarcade machinemodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsadvertising clockmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel train boxmodel train accessoriesmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel train signalsmdoel train signalmodel train signalmodel train signalart printmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel train accessorymodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel train accessorymodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel train accessorymodel trainsmodel trainsmodel train accessorymodel trainsmodel train accessoriesmodel train accessoriesmodel train accessorymodel train accessoriesmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel trainsmodel train displayviolaviolintromboneflutetrumpetdrumsaxophonetrumpetviolinclarinetviolinflutetrumpetviolaclarinetdrumviolintrombonetrumpetviolinclarinetflutetrumpetfluteviolinclarinetviolinflutetrumpetviolincoinscurrencycoinscoinscoinscurrencycoinscoinscoinscurrencycurrencycoinscoinscoinscoinscoinscoinscurrencycoinscoinscurrencycoinscoinscoinscoinscoinscoinscurrencycoinscurrencycoinscoinscurrencycoinscurrencycoinscoinscurrencycoinscurrencycoinssalt & pepper shakersjewelryjewelrycoinscoinscoinscoinscoinscoinscoinscoinscoinsgold coingold coincoinscoinscoins

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