Jamestown Gem w Antiques & Sports Memorabilia

estate sale2 day sale 2 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Jamestown, RI 02835 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, January 31st, 2025.
Feb 1
8:30am to 2pm
Feb 2
9am to 2pm
Official Superbowl XXXII  football, Nolan Ryan autographed baseball, official all star game ball Fenway

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 Terms & Conditions
Cash Preferred, Venmo and Cards accepted with 3% processing fee added. Bring help to load large furniture. All items must be taken by end of the sale weekend unless otherwise arranged. Not responsible for accidents on premises. Sign up sheet will be posted at 6:00 am morning of the sale. Only our sign up sheet will be honored.
 Description & Details

Clean, clean, clean! Packed, but very orderly and organized, 3 bedroom house with 2 car garage, full basement and outbuilding/shed. Items include many pieces of sterling-Birks vanity set, souvenir spoons; many items of signed sports memorabilia-to include Michael Jordan signed basketball, Nolan Ryan signed baseball; rare Crombie "The Rules of Golf Illustrated" book; lots of antique furniture; crystal; vintage electronics-vhs tv, vhs camera, Polaroid camera, PS2, etc;, lots of tools-compressors, air nailers, mitre saw etc; hardware, vintage Christmas, china, glassware, lots of office supplies, bedroom sets, old records and 45s, dvds, vhs, cassette tapes, Polk speakers, Bose speakers, dining set,...

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