Elegant mini sale Northshore

estate sale2 day sale starts today
  • Directions
    The sale is in an apartment complex and the parking lot is hilly. Please be prepared to walk up or down a hill to get to the sale. there will be no signage as the apartment complex does not permit tha... 
Jan 18
9am to 4pm
Jan 19
12am to 3pm
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 Terms & Conditions
Owners of property and managers of sale are not responsible or liable for injuries which occur on premises. no loading assistance is provided. However, there are no steps in the apartment to or from the apartment to the parking lot. Cash, Venmo and Zelle are only payment methods accepted..
Bids are accepted on all items. Bids will be reviewed at the end of each day of sale. All items must be paid for at time of sale and picked up no later then 1:00 Monday or special arrangements must be made.
 Description & Details

we have very limited boxes at the sale because my usual box source was dry today. Please bring things to take your prettiest home with you This is a mini sale of a two bedroom apartment with some lovely antique furniture, including a Maijer Gunther Martini French sofa, a stunning Baker breakfront, a gorgeous wool 1970s 12"x 8.4' Karastan Kirman pink and blue rug with gorgeous knotted fringe which has just been professionally cleaned. Several small chests, antique hand carved mahogany four post bed and matching vanity with chair. There are a pair of pink wing chairs, a brass and...

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