estate sale3 day sale 4 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Chattanooga, TN 37412 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, April 3rd, 2025.
Apr 4
1pm to 5pm
Apr 5
10am to 3pm
Apr 6
11am to 4pm

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 Description & Details

*Please park on one side of street avoiding mailboxes. *Driveway is only for loading and handicap drop-off. Very clean home with nice furniture throughout located in East Ridge. Items are perfect for someone who needs to furnish an Air BnB or rental house! Various Smalls! The Green Egg Blackstone Grill Ashley Furniture Couch Leather recliner chair Loveseat recliner w/center console Puzzles, games, books Battery powered lawn mower Outdoor furniture Rainwater barrel large ceramic flower pots Bird bath Antique sewing console Bird decor Stein Collection Bedroom suites (King and Queen) Large area rugs Mid Century Rattan Rocking Chair Tools

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