Memorial Drive EstateSale Saturday’s discount 50% off smalls , coins & furniture negotiable
We run a two to three day estate sale. There is limited parking, please do not block neighbors’ driveways or mailbox’s.
We accept cash or card (with a 3% convenience charge). Everything should be priced when you arrive.
Our goal remains to provide our shoppers the opportunity to buy, in a safe, and friendly environment.
Our staff has made every attempt to: research antiques, collectibles, to organize, check for damage, and test electrical items as time allows. Because we cannot guarantee items, we encourage you to check and research your items.... once purchased, you own them, we offer no returns.

This is a small 3 bedroom home with detached garage and patio. Willett matching cherry twin bedroom furniture, Hepplewhite mahogany bedroom, recliners tools and much more.

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