Peaceful Jonesborough Countryside Home

estate sale3 day sale 7 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Jonesborough, TN 37659 will be available after 6:00pm on Tuesday, March 18th, 2025.
Mar 20
12pm to 6pm
Mar 21
9am to 2pm
Mar 22
9am to 1pm


CASH OR MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ONLY. No Warranties, As Is Condition, No Refunds, No Exchanges so Please make sure you are happy with your purchase and it works to your satisfaction. We do offer delivery service.

As always, no pricing or presales.

You are responsible for your own actions and decisions once you enter the property. Please be Respectful of each other, the home you are entering and the OEL Employees who are there to assist you.

Details & Pictures will come closer to sale date

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