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Thune Estate Sale ~ 50% off Saturday!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Kingston Springs, TN 37082 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 22
9am to 3pm
Nov 23
9am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

The home is filled with beautiful furnishings. Lots of Antiques and Vintage furniture, decor and collectibles. Furniture available: Large antique wardrobe, period side chairs, arm chair, pie safe, trundle bed, round top cabinet, antique wood sewing stand, antique ice chest, small spinning wheel, two door cabinet, Timberlake king bed (pick up after Thanksgiving), large bar height dining table w/8 chairs (pick up after Thanksgiving), wing back upholster chairs with ottoman, oversized upholstered chair. Broyhill dining table w/4 chairs & bench, matching secretary. There’s a large selection of collectibles (primitive style), including names like Meakin, Johnson Brothers, Jeannett glass, Red Wing,...

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