online only auction10 day sale sale is over
  • Location Nashville, TN 37207

Sale Starts

Mar 18

Sale Ends

Mar 27



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© 2023 Auction Annie

Date(s) 3/18/2025 - 3/27/2025

Online Only

Items listed in this auction have been stored for several years and may have a musty odor, storage dust, dirt, debris, and/or show signs of past rodent activity. All items are sold as-is. Buyers should be aware that damage or issues may exist that are not visible in photographs. The absence of a condition report does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free of defects, imperfections, or wear and tear. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the property thoroughly before bidding. To preview, please call for an appointment at 615-664-4044.


**NOTE!! Fabric is offered in stacks of approximately 10-20#. Weight is shown in lot photos. In the titles & descriptions of the fabric only lots, there may be one or two words added to describe a brand, theme or motif that is included in the lot. These additional words do NOT describe ALL fabric pieces in the lot. For instance, a lot may have the word CHRISTMAS, but not ALL fabric in the lot is Christmas. At least one cloth in the stack is that theme. Review the fabric lots carefully as there are fun and interesting pieces in all lots, including John Deere, Barbie, Looney Tunes, Marvel Comics, Spiderman, Tinkerbell, Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Tennessee Titans, Pittsburgh Steelers, University of Tennessee Vols, Christmas, juvenile prints, fleece, knits, home dec & so much more!

Bidding on all lots starts at only $1 Lots will begin to close at 6:30PM CT on THURSDAY, March 27, 2025


Friday, March 28, 2025 12pm - 6pm CT

Saturday, March 29, 2025 10am - 1pm CT

****If you are not able to pick up during scheduled pick up days, please plan to have your items shipped. Items not picked up during designated pickup hours will be considered abandoned. There will be no exceptions. Local pickup north of Nashville, near I-24 and Briley Parkway (155) Exact address will be provided to item winners at close of auction via email. Bring any boxes or packing materials that you will need for your items.

SHIPPING & HANDLING POLICY: - We ship to all 50 United States and International locations - For international shipping questions and quotes, call 615-206-2543 - Materials & Handling Fee: A minimum fee of $5.00 will be applied to each order to cover materials and handling. The exact fee may vary based on the size of the shipment and the number of boxes required. Some orders may require multiple boxes for shipping. - Shipping Charges: Shipping costs will be calculated separately and invoiced to you within 4 days after the end of the auction. The shipping charge is in addition to the materials and handling fee. - Payment Terms: Payment for the shipping and handling invoice is due within 5 calendar days of receipt. Failure to make payment within this timeframe will result in your items being considered abandoned and will be resold to recover storage costs.

BUYER'S PREMIUM: A Buyer's Premium of 15% will be added to all winning bids.

SALES TAX: No sales tax

Items listed in this auction may have a musty odor, storage dust, dirt, debris, and/or show signs of past rodent activity. All items are sold as-is. Buyers should be aware that damage or issues may exist that are not visible in photographs. The absence of a condition report does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free of defects, imperfections, or wear and tear. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the property thoroughly before bidding. To preview, please call for an appointment at 615-664-4044. All items and real estate are sold AS IS, WHERE IS, with no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied. No adjustments, refunds, or allowances will be made for any condition concerns discovered after the auction.

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