Northwest Hills Estate Sale
estate sale•3 day sale •6 days away
Jan 24
10am to 3pm
Jan 25
10am to 3pm
Jan 26
11am to 3pm
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Prices "Not" given prior to sale
We accept cash, cards ($3.00 fee up to $100.00 -$5.00 fee over $100) and Venmo( $2.00 fee up to $100.00 - $4.00 fee over $100.00)
We do not accept checks
All sales are final. Items are sold as is
We charge sales tax
Not responsible for injury/accidents
Children must stay with adult at all times. Unattended Children will be given an espresso and a free puppy.
You are responsible for moving and loading your purchases. Please bring wrap and boxes for your purchases.
We accept cash, cards ($3.00 fee up to $100.00 -$5.00 fee over $100) and Venmo( $2.00 fee up to $100.00 - $4.00 fee over $100.00)
We do not accept checks
All sales are final. Items are sold as is
We charge sales tax
Not responsible for injury/accidents
Children must stay with adult at all times. Unattended Children will be given an espresso and a free puppy.
You are responsible for moving and loading your purchases. Please bring wrap and boxes for your purchases.
Description & Details
This estate is packed with things from multiple estates. Check back for updated photos of sale items.
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