SATURDAY BARGAINS 50% or MORE , , Rustic, Vintage, Art, Primitives, Furniture, Collectibles

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Boerne, TX 78006 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 13
10am to 3pm
Dec 14
10am to 3pm


We took the pledge... and will be complying with all of the Bexar County requirements and will implement the required procedures.

All sales are final, no returns. All credit cards will have a 3% administrative fee. Checks are also accepted.
Sign-up will be online. in our email that goes out on Sunday before the sale.
Limited…. number of people allowed in the sale.
MASKS are no longer required to attend our estate sales but please wear if you are more comfortable.
We are not responsible for any accidents at this location.

So excited about this wonderful country style home in Boerne. You will find: Western art, early Texas style furniture, large early Texas armoire, side chairs, some Victorian, sofas, chairs, dining table, drop leaf tables, four poster bed, Western decor, vintage quilts, antique linens, Military books, many books on airplanes, antique cradle, lamps, dressers, mirrors, display for China, hutch, antique desk, full kitchen, pottery, upright piano, mantle clocks, Eastlake marble top chest, grain bin, rockers, vintage clothing and jewelry, handbags, farm table, file cabinets, white wicker, vintage advertising tins, China, Washer/Dryer, wonderful art, full kitchen, primitive kitchen and bedroom furniture, rocking chairs, upright piano, roll top desk, hutch, side tables, settee, lamps, reproduction record player, LP's, CD's, clothes, costume jewelry, hats, oil lamps, books, outdoor shed with lots of yard tools, vintage Playboys, two sofas, lawyers book case, hand-tools, Coors neon light, wheelbarrows, plastic-ware, set of Noritake China, small appliances, deer mounts, rugs,  file cabinet, blue and white pieces, drop leaf table, Grandfather clock, floor lamps, mirrors, sofa table, trunks, refrigerator, twin bed, fabrics, vintage patterns, milk glass, NIB crystal glasses, four poster bed, USA vintage flags, large doll house, large desk, medical equipment, table saw, vintage golf clubs, foot stools, folding screen with fabric, three step wood stool for library, 

The sale will be on Friday December 13th and 14th from 10-3

A wonderful sale with such fun vintage pieces.

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