Rio Grande Estate Sales & Appraisals
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Grandfather Clock - Korean Large Wall Unit (Exceptional) - Dining Table with 6 Chairs - Dinette With 4 Chairs - Stainless Steel 4 Door Refrigerator - 2 Lidded Gerz Steins - 1 Small Stein - Maytag Washer & Dryer - Korean Art and Prints - TV with Glass Stand - Excellent Pots & Pans & Glass Wear - Jewelry Chest - Pole Light - King Bed - Chest of Drawers - Dressers - Nightstands - Queen Bed - Desk - Various Coffee Makers - Lots of Various Knickknacks - Craftsman Worktable - Fan - Microwave - Electric Wheelchair
2 Sales this week
1/2 Mile Between Sales
Bargain Day Sunday
Sale By
Ed Elsey
Licensed - Bonded - Insured
Certified Appraiser ( CAGA )

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