More for the Ladies but Men will like it Too!
estate sale•3 day sale •3 days remaining
Mar 14
10am to 5pm
Mar 15
10am to 5pm
Mar 16
10am to 5pm
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Privately Listed Sale
- This sale has even More Jewelry than the last sale! Of, Course there is Plenty of Antique Furniture but this time we willl be featuring the Old , Antique & Real Collectibles and Smalls! It's a "Doozey"!
- Gobs of Never before seen Jewelry
- Old and interesting Collectibles
- Real Quality Items Like a Pr. of Rare wavecrest Hand Pinted Wall Plaques in Fancy Frames - A Marshall Boehm Porcelian Centerpiece (Robin & Yellow Tulips)
- 5 signed Steuben Bowls & Vases
- Pin-up Calandars , Pin-upp Post Cards & More
- Cigarete Lighters
- Western Memorabilia
- 9-pc Sterling Silver Dresser Set from 1896 & a 7-Pc Green Catalin Dresser set
- An Unbelievable Find! "Pencil Sketches of the Fort Worth Frontier Centennial" 1936
- A Great Acrylic Sculpture "A Baby Whales First Breath" Numbered & Signed WYLAND
- A wonderful Wooden Sculpture of an elongated Head on Stepped Base by Nakita Copenko 1948
- An Original Bronze by Jack Bryant "Pride of the Desert"
- An Original Bronze of a Native American Head w/ Feathers Partially Cold Painated "Natuare Raw, seldom Mild" by June Dooer
- About 10 Anique and Vintage All Hand Sewn American Quilts
- A Large, Antique, Reversible American Coverlet
- An Entire Dining taable of Casual or Kitchen Table Cloths + Napkins Dish and Kitchen towels
- 3 Vintage Chehnille Bedspreads
- King Size Ornately Embroidered Flat Sheet w/ Pr of Matching Pilow Cases
- 2 More King Embroidered Flat Sheets
- A Table Full of FIne Prs of Pilow Cases (some Very Fancy)
- 3-Pc Set "Magnacoil" Electric Wood art Deco Blanket w/ "Foot Mittns"and Back Heating Pad - All Plugs in Together! This is Possibly the FIRST eletric Blanket w/ Patent Dates of 1911 & 1923
- A 5-Pc Collection of Porcelier , All Porcelain Body Breakfast Buffet Appliances Including the Rare Toaster
- A 29" Square, Framed Ink on Doe Skin of the Coronation of a Mayan King -Artist signed, Remarkable Work!
- More Original Wall Art
- An Original Antique "Wag-on-Wall" Clock that Runs, Keeps Good Time is a Repeate and Still has It's Decorated Pine Case
- A Greecian Made Lg. Brown Bear Skin Rug
- and as "they" always say.....So Much More!

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